Mitt Romney’s Epic Irony On Losing An Election Will Make You Spit Your Coffee

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"On Sunday, former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney sat down with CBS Face the Nation to criticize the president’s handling of the battle against ISIS forces, as well as his potential executive action on immigration.

Romney reiterated his belief that the president has been “inept” on Middle East policy, asserting that it was a mistake to declare “no boots on the ground” in the region. “It is not acceptable for ISIS to present the kind of threat it does to the world,” the former governor said after suggesting the “no boots” remark will necessarily prove contradictory.

“If it takes our own troops” to destroy ISIS, Romney said, then “you don’t take that off the table.”

As for the possibility of Obama taking executive action to overhaul policy and protect millions of undocumented immigrants currently in the states, Romney said: “The president has got to learn that he lost this last election round.”"* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

*Read more here:


Glenn Beck, Mitt Romney, Wall Street Crooks, Amazing Fact & Mitch McConnell - The Young Turks 11/17/2014 News & Politics


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I'm not American, but my Cousin lives in the US. He says he didn't vote because the Democrats weren't talking about any of the Progressive Polices he (and supposedly Obama) stand for. He said the Democrats were running as "soft Republicans" and he does't like, agree with or vote for republicans so he just didn't bother. That there was no Democrat candidate on the ballot.

Living in the UK this all sounds very strange to me, but it speaks to why the Republicans cleaned house I guess. Learn from this Democrats.


Romney is an expert on the subject of losing, so why should he not speak on that subject.  My only problem with Romney is that he reminds me of his fellow Mormon missionaries who come to my door. I wish they would all go away.


What does Mitt Romney say when he farts?: Obama did it. 


The point for those who missed it:
Romney, and his party, did not act, in the way he is declaring others must act. 

Cenk is criticizing the content of his speech, for the hypocrisy, not just that he's speaking.


"Your name was on the ballot." Yes, many years ago.
"You lost to him." People voted on race, not policy. Thats been demonstrated many times now.


I'm 42 seconds in, and I'm about to press replay. good and funny.


I spit out my coffee and I don't even drink coffee.



Obama is far from perfect, but Romney is the king of never even getting close to answering the question you asked.


If Cenk wants to accuse Romney of hypocrasy, then he should show quotes or videos of Romney weeks or even months after the 2012 election arguing for GOP policies. Do such quotes are videos exist? Did Romney show signs of not recognizing Obama's mandate after losing to him? If so, then why isn't Cenk showing any of this? Losing an election doesn't mean you don't have a right to share your opinion or do TV interviews. I really don't see what Cenk is on about here.


The funny part about this, is Romney is right about everything he said in those clips. Cenk didn't even try to dispute them, because he couldn't. So instead, Cenk gave the figurative response, of putting his fingers in his ears & blah blah....not listening, not listening."

Try actually refuting his point then giving such a moronic, sophomoric response, better than this kind of response. You had no refute at all, you just said..."you lost, not listening....blah, blah, blah".


This is silly, Cenk is getting too emotional on some of these issues now, I don't even support Mitt Romney but since when did losing an election mean you could no longer give an opinion ? This video is ridiculous.


why is he so orange? Did he eat too many cheetos? 


I just took a quick look at Romney's concession speech. Romney asked us to pray for the President and his leadership. He said he still believes the founding principals were the answer but Romney was pretty conciliatory. Now after 6 years of Obama look at the economy: Only a 1.25% growth rate and the lowest labor participation rate since the 1970s. It seems like Romney might have been onto something. Finally Romney didn't say Obama needs to roll over and let congress do what it wants. He said, If the president wants to exercise his veto fine. WHat he didn't say that I will is that it would be destructive to the country for him to engage in extra constitutional executive action.  A veto is constitutional but the kind of proposed amnesty action that we are hearing from his White House is not. 


lifted from the daily show. all credit goes to jon stewart for this commentary.


I love how you guys put up things at the end like send this to a conservative that's great.


While I don't feel that Romney brought any useful or unknown information with his commentary. Cenk seems to be focused on an election from 2 years ago, while Romney is discussing an election from a few weeks ago. Also I am not sure why someone is no longer allowed to have an opinion, for all time apparently, just because they lost a Presidential election. I mean seriously Al Gore and McCain still get on pretty well with their opinions on politics.


You know it's funny, there was one person who did say that, Ann Coulter.


I still have my Mitt's The Shit cap.


Lmao Romney thinks he's the President


He is a mormon pod person, probably a new batch, that is missing the original Romney's memories. You can't expect them to work on the same base reality we do.
