every time I Google stuff quickly enough to contribute to a discussion
The easiest way to stop a train with a sandwich is to say to the engineer, "If you stop the train, I'll give you this sandwich."
Stephen K Amos has such a lovely laugh and smile. Really infectious.
They never explained how the tomato plants actually stop a train. I imagine that the plants grow to a certain height and then get hit by the underside of the train and tear off.
I’m a train driver and I’ve seen a fair few tomato plants about but it’s never stopped my little 153!! All stopped now of course. 2019 was indeed the last year we saw shit on the tracks.
I just always assumed there was a good-sized septic tank underneath the toilet which could go for a day or two before it needed emptying.
I was going to say, 'offer the sandwich to the conductor. He'll be so hungry and see how delicious it is, he'll have to stop the train to eat.'
As a kid I once flushed at a station. I closed the lid and *behind* the lid there was a plaque asking people not to do that. Great design, really.
Sandi's sweater is SO CUTE.
I need
I found a 2 foot tall pine sapling growing on the tracks near my house... who the heck was eating that pinecone?
I will tell this story to every single living soul I know 😂😂😂😂
Loved this episode! 3 of my favourite people in the world! I'll let you guess who.
What does Jason say to Stephen Amos at 0:19?
"They say by 2019 it will all be over" oh sandy if you only knew
Only charter coaches have on the track flush. and they may have been retro fittedwith tanks. All trains built in the last 20 to 30 years have cess tanks.
I’ve found big tomatoes growing in the sidings at lovers walk, Brighton. But that was early nineties.
Started out really fancying a cheese and tomato sandwich. Well, forget that...
That's literally the purpose of fruit - Spread seeds in the poop of animals who eat them.
Simply place the sand wedge across the track sure you'll be a club short on ya next round of golf but it will work
Now that it is almost 2022, are there still trains in the UK planting random tomato patches everywhere?