Git's Fatal Please Tell Me Who You Are Error | Author Identity Unknown | Unable to Auto Detect Email

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Did you just try to do a Git commit and you ran into a fatal error that says:

Author Identity Unknown
*** Please tell me who you are.
fatal: Unableto auto-detect email address or user name

Just issue these commands:

Then do your Git commit and everything will go swimmingly. The problem is solved, the fatal Git error is fixed and you can go on your way versioning your code in IntelliJ, Sourcetree, Eclipse, VSCode or whatever other IDE you are using!

0:00 Please tell me who you are
0:20 Git config
1:06 Git log
2:05 Bob Ross of Git
3:16 Git init
4:02 Fatal Git Unable to auto detect
4:49 Please tell me who you are
5:25 List Git Config Properties
6:39 Git config locations
7:37 Global Git Config
10:15 Fatal Git Error Fixed!
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