Jewish Study Bible...reviewed by a Christian!

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Thank you, JM. Been waiting for this review. I have this digitally thru OliveTree.I've only used it for Psalms. Now I'm inspired to dig deeper. Mucho Thanxo 🌹🌹🌹🌹😎


Very fair and incredibly insightful review!!
For my New Testament study this year, I am going through the Oxford Jewish Annotated New Testament, which is related to this book. It is also incredibly thorough, but very fruitful to understand more Jewish customs and interpretations, even while remaining very Christian myself.


I love that you are reviewing all these Jewish resources. I've just invested in all these (mostly in Olive Tree software so my resources are always with me and linked together). I also like the First Century Study Bible. I'm not Jewish, just a Christian studying Hebrew and a more Hebraic theological view of the topics that I think we've distorted since Augustine.
The Jewish annotated New Testament isn't available in Olive Tree yet, so I have that in Logos.

I'm also so glad I've discovered you...egal and non-reformed! I've been binge-ing your Bible reviews because a couple of years ago I couldnt find any egal reviews of study Bibles, so I began a project to do it myself. But your reviews are terrific and I agree with you so much on most things. I hope your channel grows well, and I certainly will be referring people to it a LOT.


JM- I believe this is you’re best Bible review. I’ve never seen anyone engage the content of a study Bible like you have. Thorough, succinct and balanced. I believe that God has given you a gift that you are using for our benefit. Thank you so much.


To be honest I'm pretty new to my practice and I'd never seen a Jewish bible before. I've been to synagogue numerous times with friends but only recall seeing the Torah. I found you're video highly insightful and its fueled my desire to learn more. I do have one request. I've watched about 1/2 of your videos and I always walk away with some good nugget but, maybe I missed it, I don't see where you've reviewed journaling bibles. If you haven't done a video would you please consider? Thanks, Karin


In my copy of Enoch I, "The Son Of Man" sits at the right hand of The Father and will judge the living and the dead.


I do not have this bible, but I should get a copy of it. Enjoy study other people's view points!


AWSOME review as always sir. Just wondering have you heard of” one new man bible”? ( by William j mortified) This bible has almost accurate it it’s notes everything mentioned but Isaiah 53 is from a Christian perspective. This Bible might be worth your honest review.


Oxford is not a Jewish publisher. It is like ordering a Xtian bible from a Hindu publisher.


Trinity is also a pre-Christian concept in Judaism, the Rabbinics just started heavily denying it after the ministry of Christ to deny the validity of His ministry & attempt to call Him a blasphemer.


The NRSV also translates the phrase ruah elohim as "a wind from God" in Genesis 1:2. Along these lines, the Protestant Christian OT scholar Gerhard von Rad translates this as "a terrible storm." In contrast, the Jewish scholar Nahum Sarna notes that this phrase might be "a phrase signaling the arrival of God, expressing His immanence, or symbolizing His presence." (I address this in The Liberating Image, p. 86.)


JM, thanks so much for this great review.

A comment on "son of man" in Daniel. You are right that it means "human one" (this is in contrast to the non-human beasts, who try to coerce dominion oppressively). In Daniel 7 you have the vision of the human one (you might say, the humane one) being given dominion and all with "serve" him. I don't think it means "worship" here, since the in the angel's interpretation of the vision the son of man is equivalent to the saints of the Most High (that is, Israel).

This becomes messianic in two ways. First, Jesus is the representative of Israel. But 1 Enoch re-interprets the son of man in Daniel 7 to be the Messiah, who is exalted to the right hand of the Most High and who participates in divinity. So by NT times, son of man is a messianic title that connotes both humanity and divinity. This meaning of the term "son of man" in NT times is explained very well by the Jewish scholar Daniel Boyarin.


I have the new edition of this bible and I think it is very good I enjoy it.


Great video, I know what bible I'm getting next lol cnt wait for the Koren tanakh review 😀


I have Oxford Jewish Study Bible 2nd edition, with JPS translation. It is quite good. For Christian Bible understanding I rely on ESV and NRSV translations. Also, I suggest buying Oxford Classic's Quran, By Professor Haleem for an academic analysis of the Book. Oxford publishes REALLY good material.


After viewing your excellent review of the Jewish Study Bible, I intend to acquire a copy of the Second Edition. I have an Orthodox Jewish Chumash from Artscroll, as well as the One volume synagogue edition of the Chutnick Chumash used by the Lubavitchers. Normally, I use the KJV, NKJV, and both the ESV and NRSV with Apocrypha.


I never heard of covering a paperback book with contact paper. Thank you for the idea..


I donated my 1st Edition of the Jewish Study Bible to my synagogue library since I bought the 2nd edition. Then it ended up in the Rabbis office.
Edited to add: the Jewish Study Bible 2nd edition is available on Apple Books as is the Jewish Annotated Apocrypha & the Jewish Annotated New Testament.


The New JSB is my go to for in depth commentary on the Hebrew Bible and then I read other study Christian Bibles with that lens based on those who wrote and interpret these books original meaning/translation.
Being honest and recognising it is and always was a Jewish scripture avoids the theological revisioning that has taken place over the last two millenia. Never forget Jesus was a Jewish man and this was His scripture. I find the depth of ethics and morality discussed in the notes refreshing.


wow that was a really good bible review very rational and as unbiased as possible. I would love to see some good faith reviews of "oahspe" and "the urantia book" I know most people don't consider them bibles but they are just as complex and fascinating.
