They definitely made a mistake…😬

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This homeowner decided at the last minute to change the entry into this storage area. A great example of how you can easily change up some of the house design if you catch it soon enough. I think it was a great idea to move the door into the closet so it’s out of sight. Do you agree?

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The biggest mistake was not widening the room and using at least half of the roof pitch to create an amazing vaulted ceiling.


I would probably build it taller like a doorway and then put in a hidden door that looks like bookshelves.


Wall space is important, and access through the existing closet is a better choice.


Yes. You could hide whatever you wanted and no one would ever find it. When I had an inspector look at my house before I bought it, we both thought there was no attic access to the upstairs in this split level. After I moved in I found it going through the side wall of the closet. It’s a small closest, not a walk in and you can’t see it just opening the door. It was 7 years before I climbed my lazy ass up there to check it out.


Yes, I would have done the same, the uninterrupted wall space gives you more options and odds are whatever your storing in there is seasonal use at best.


Excited for the work taking place in the basement. Please include teasers as progress is made.

I just love your four-season room. Looked beautiful in your closing shot with the fireplace and mantle, windows and built-ins, shiny clean floor. 😊

Don't stop the chatter. It's my favorite part. I really identify with you so much. I too am easily distracted by something shiny. I laugh out loud because you say so much about what I experience in myself. Love the idea of setting alarms for breaks and projects. Brilliant!

My grandmom closed bread bags that way. You melted my heart to see that. 🫠


Sometimes when you have too many windows and doors in one room, it’s hard for furniture placement. I can see it would’ve been difficult to find a place for a bed without blocking that little access door.


I did exactly that when I renovated …. Great idea!! 👍


This reminds me of a house I remodeled a long time ago. One side we had the access in the closet, but the other side I made the header the entire length of the wall and then built a box and sealed the edges of the box and then made a built in dresser. So you had a decent sized closet to hang clothes on one side of the room with acess to the attic area and on the other side drawers to store the rest of your clothes. This freed up all of the floor space as well as eliminated the need to ry and manhandle a dresser up the steps. There were also some cabinets built in along with the drawers.


I grew up in a cape cod style house built in 1955. It had all these extra spaces above and below staircases, access to the shower plumbing from inside a kitchen cabinet, well laid out wiring and heating ducts and a simple roof line. It was an efficient use of raw materials and space that is not seen in the multiple hip and valley roof, odd shape exterior walls, unused spaces in the modern houses. We have gone from building efficient houses to stylish to look at complex to build and hard to maintain crap.


Why make the inside access door to crawl in? Make it a larger door so you can walk into it, or better yet just use the big door and forget inside crawl door altogether. 🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪🚪


It's an attic space and required by code to have a minimum access door. It cant be a usable space, because of lack of head room, code. Too, the 2 walls, ARE bearing walls. See the rafters and ceiling joists/collar ties sitting on the walls. Then, the small wall, inside the closet, is probably a lateral restraint panel. You can tell because of the blocking, at 16" on center, above it, to provide a strong attachment to the roof. It would then be sheeted, according to the engineering specs, and might even have holddown straps on either end.
Yes. I know what I'm talking about. That should be obvious. Lastly, this type of house might have been built with that entire room as an empty, unused attic space, so it is ALREADY a bonus area. Yeah, lots of creative little storage ideas could work for that space, but sometimes, enough is enough.
Peace. 👻🤠


The only problem with that access door in the closet is it’ll kind of limit you on floor space for storage because you got a leave that access door open so you can get in and out of there just food for thought thing


No because closets get full of junk and you would have to move everything in the closet for access. Outside you may have to move a chair or a table.


I would have done that but it would have been my hidden room because growing up in New England hidden rooms and widows walks are things I like


Yes! I love the opportunity for so much storage.


You called it, the framers caught their mistake & then put the door in it's new & proper location. It was easier & more efficient to simply place a stud below the wrongly placed header than to remove it.


After getting flooded out last year, my brother inadvertently doubled the size of my closet by completely closing off a hall closet. The wall on the other side of that closet is shared by my closet, and is NOT load bearing.
Out comes the shared wall, and my closet is now twice as big as it was before 🙂


We have storage areas like this in our house that we use to store my large collection of Xmas decorations. Crawling in to remove the decorations was fine for my husband 25+ yrs ago but he is 80 now and having a larger entrance sure would make his job easier for sure.
