Sno Isle TECH Skills Center Monthly Newsletter Introduction

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Welcome to the monthly Sno-Isle TECH Newsletter.

Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center is a public school in Everett Washington offering technical training for high school students within Snohomish and Island Counties.

Sno-Isle TECH, located near Paine Field in Everett, is a cooperative effort of 14 local school districts. The purpose of skills centers like Sno-Isle Tech is to provide preparatory training, certification, and post-secondary credit to students, who can then choose to continue their education, go straight to work, or both. Occupations are organized into broad clusters or “pathways” based on characteristics of the job. The 22 programs offered at Sno-Isle TECH represent these five pathways: Information Technology, Business Marketing & Management, Human Services, Science & Health, and Trade & Industry.
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