EPIC - This Is Not Us

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Artificial Intelligence showing us these misinformed images is a prime example of how many negative perceptions of the Irish still prevail globally.

Since we first opened our doors, we have worked tirelessly to challenge such stereotypes of the Irish. We continue to do so today, asking big tech why they still paint us in such a negative light.

Not to be a dick but I put that into midjourney and just got a cool looking auld fella with a green hat.


Would you ever lighten up lads who gives a shite if some robot thinks we're drunks whens the last time you saw a robot down the shops. Them lads never leave the house.


Its pretty funny that A.I describes with allot of accuracy the guy I work with😅😅 Always angry, hates anything foreign especially blacks, complains about how lazy everyone else is at work yet does nothing himself and drunk whenever possible 😂😂 Nope thats not outdated information my friend that is 100% up to date.
