Royalty - 2 Piece Set - Modern Canvas Art | Inktuitive

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High-stakes gambling. Fortune-telling rituals. Feats of magic. Unforgettable times with friends...

...over thousands of years, the King and Queen of Hearts have been two of the most sought-after cards. In billions of situations and outcomes. Both good and bad...

Imagine the influence they’ve had on the progression of time—since their invention around the 15th century:

No other ruler or monarch can come close to that kind of impact.

That’s why—intuitively—these are the ultimate power symbols. We all know that on a gut level, since love is stronger than spades, clubs, or diamonds...

That’s why we adjusted the King and Queen to suit you even better:

The Queen is holding a glass of wine. The King is lighting a cigar with flaming money.

This is the last touch they needed to be perfect inspiration for the modern-day power couple. Or anyone who can appreciate centuries of royalty, superiority, love, and “screw you” money.

From your wall, the King and Queen of hearts will be “drawn” for you daily.

They’ll stir you to rule over your domain with unmatched affection. And they’ll keep you centered on your path to loving leadership—with fat stacks of cash.

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