Why should I believe the Bible? | GotQuestions.org

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Can the Bible be trusted? Is the Bible true? Why should I believe the Bible? The Bible makes claims about the creation of the universe, the nature of the God who created the universe and reigns supremely over it, and the fate of mankind. If these claims are true, then the Bible is the most important book in the history of mankind. In this video, Pastor Nelson with Bible Munch answers the question, “Why should I believe the Bible”.

*** Source Article:

*** Check out, Bible Munch!

*** Recent Bible Munch Videos:
Philippians 4:13 - What this misused verse really means.

Philippians 4:6 - Learn How to be Anxious for Nothing.

Psalm 1:1-6 - The Actual Prosperity Gospel

*** Recommended Resource:
Why Should I Believe the Bible?: An Easy-to-Understand Guide to Scripture's Trustworthiness - eBook
Ed Strauss, John A. Beck

*** Related Questions:
Is the Bible reliable?

Is the Bible true?

What is the importance of the Bible?

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Jesus affirmed it… that’s enough for me


Why has this got a 90s dance tune in the background?


Voddie said “I choose to believe the Bible because it’s a reliable collection of historical documents written by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses. They report supernatural events that took place in fulfilment of specific prophecies and claim that their writings are divine rather than human in origin.”


Argument defeated within seconds. He says he’ll explain “from a biblical perspective”. The Bible cannot be proof of itself.


My problem is how do you believe a book written by men and then edited by men and kings to say what they want to have it say?


You're interesting and knowledgeable thank you but, I still walk away with, Why do I need to believe that God just started talking to us 2k years ago? And what if I'm not worried about what happens after death. I know every non-believe says, I'm a 'good' person why do I need to be saved? and saved from what?


The bible is technically a collection of books written over thousands of years. It was only collated into one book a few hundred years after Jesus' death. And even then there were still debate on which books to include and which ones to leave out of the bible. So my question is this...When Paul wrote that ''all scriptures are God breathed''...which scriptures was he referring to because when he wrote that line the bible (as we know it today) did not even exist. He did not even know that a ''bible'' will exist in a few hundred years. So what scriptures was he referring to? Surely it can not be the bible as we know it today?


Tolkien was directly inspired by Eru Ilúvatar.


This is ridiculous! If this was a sophomore’s term paper, it would earn an “F.”


Why should i believe the bible ?

Goes on to say why with scriptures from the bible 🤦


Honest question. The elephant in the room of the Bible seems to be creation, the lineage timeline established from Adam and Eve to Jesus and Noah’s ark. They seem to be written from the perspective of people that didn’t have the understanding of natural history we have the benefit of testing in the thousands of years since it was written. I would expect a divinely inspired text to be accurate in ways they wouldn’t have been able to comprehend at the time it was written. Do you know any resources that help to explain that discrepancy?


As of now March 31, 2023
888 thumbs 👍 vs 19 thumbs down 👎

Comments riddled with attacks. Please pray for them 🙏 😔

Jesus is Lord


So because the prophecies where “proven” in the bible it makes it true, is it possible that they made it up so they didn’t make prophets look stupid and before you bring up well god prophecies that the Roman Empire would fall but every empire to have even existed has fallen.


You SHOULDN'T. If you're on the outside looking in there are many passages not covered here that show the Bible to be scientifically incorrect. In addition it becomes clear over the totality of books (The Bible is a compilation) that disagreement existed between Biblical writers that shows up in the text. Is God of two minds? No, man is. That doesn't mean God can't speak throughout all the books it just means the books clearly have multiple contradictory statements about multiple important aspects of God. If it was all God's Word then it would be revealed and no question or controversy would remain as to what was meant. That isn't the case. If you're drawn to read The Bible just remember it wasn't written by you, to you, for you. It was written for specific people groups and even if you happen to be one of the ancestors it still isn't for you. This requires work on your part to understand how these groups would have written and understood these teachings, not necessarily the first impression you may get upon reading it.

The Bible is unclear how anyone either comes to God, or rejects God as God himself is controlling you if you do and allowing you to go against him if you don't. Bottom line: good luck with understanding it because it doesn't make consistent internal sense and most times to be a Christian you're following faith and not necessarily The Bible. If you're still interested, check it out. It will require multiple other books and much time to sense like you have a handle on it.


Pls don't put the song it's wierd


The Bible is the TRUTH. And JESUS is the TRUTH. The living human Bible for the whole world to see. Divine in human form. If YHWH was to come and live as a human, as a man on earth. Which he did in the form of his only begotten son. "Emmanuel" -God is with us. It is exactly what JESUS/YESHUA was and is and is to come was...


What a crock, stop lying to yourselves and others because it makes you feel better. Grow up.


Very unconvincing... The bible makes us look bad because then people can control humanity to reach "salvation"


First, the word is "important" not "impor unt" as you millennials pronounce it (for reasons that are unclear to me). Second, don't play club music when giving a message like this.
