ΚΥΚΛΟΣ ΣΕΜΙΝΑΡΙΩΝ ΕΕΠΓ Γλώσσα, κοινωνία και εθνογραφία ΧΕΙΜΩΝΑΣ 2023-ΑΝΟΙΞΗ 2024

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Metaphors of covid-19: Negotiating crises responses, collectivity and memory in the post-Yugoslav area
Ksenija Bogetić
University of Ljubljana
Περίληψη/ Abstract
The talk presents the aims and preliminary results of the ongoing Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie project Thinking pandemic societies through metaphor. The focus of the talk will be on the representations of group belonging and social memory in the early pandemic discourses, and the relations of crisis communication, collective memory and metaphorical conceptualization in post-conflict contexts. In this way, the talk will also share the project's ambitions to expand the interdisciplinary relations of linguistics metaphor research and political science research of nationalism and memory studies. By locating the analysis in the post-Yugoslav, post-socialist area, where persisting narratives of nationalist conflict have mixed with pandemic discourses in complex ways, I will highlight some findings on the local social representations as witnessed in metaphor use. Specifically, the dominant use of the WAR metaphor is examined in the news media discourses and citizen digital discourses. Preliminary analysis reveals a pronounced historization of the crisis experience via this metaphor in particular, where discourses of earlier wars play a role in framing present-day hardships and the directions of collective response. On the other hand, citizen discourses reveal ample meta-linguistic negotiation and challenging of the WAR metaphor, with specific reference to national memory and 'respect' of what war has really meant for the region. Beyond the local context, the findings are used to discuss some aspects of pandemic-time WAR metaphor use relevant both for the theorising of adversarial metaphors in public discourse, and for more nuanced analyses of the discourses of crisis.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101038047.
Ksenija Bogetić
University of Ljubljana
Περίληψη/ Abstract
The talk presents the aims and preliminary results of the ongoing Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie project Thinking pandemic societies through metaphor. The focus of the talk will be on the representations of group belonging and social memory in the early pandemic discourses, and the relations of crisis communication, collective memory and metaphorical conceptualization in post-conflict contexts. In this way, the talk will also share the project's ambitions to expand the interdisciplinary relations of linguistics metaphor research and political science research of nationalism and memory studies. By locating the analysis in the post-Yugoslav, post-socialist area, where persisting narratives of nationalist conflict have mixed with pandemic discourses in complex ways, I will highlight some findings on the local social representations as witnessed in metaphor use. Specifically, the dominant use of the WAR metaphor is examined in the news media discourses and citizen digital discourses. Preliminary analysis reveals a pronounced historization of the crisis experience via this metaphor in particular, where discourses of earlier wars play a role in framing present-day hardships and the directions of collective response. On the other hand, citizen discourses reveal ample meta-linguistic negotiation and challenging of the WAR metaphor, with specific reference to national memory and 'respect' of what war has really meant for the region. Beyond the local context, the findings are used to discuss some aspects of pandemic-time WAR metaphor use relevant both for the theorising of adversarial metaphors in public discourse, and for more nuanced analyses of the discourses of crisis.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101038047.