Panel 4. Cultural Memory and Economy

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Dr Alex Condrache (University of Western Ontario):
That is how Billionaires Smoke: The Nouveau Riche of the Transition in Romanian Post-Communist Cinema

Olga Gontarska (Manteuffel Institute of History, Polish Academy of Sciences):
Cinema without an Audience: Experience of Transformation Depicted in Ukrainian films

Saygun Gökarıksel (Department of Sociology, Bogaziçi University):
“The Great Betrayal”: 1989 and the “Secrets” of Poland’s New Capitalism

Chair and discussant: dr Ksenia Robbe (Leiden University)

The 9th Genealogies of Memory conference aimed at exploring the still ongoing and dynamic process of memory sedimentation of the economic transformations, most of all the post-1989 changes in East-Central Europe, taking into account their contradictory valences ranging from unlimited opportunities to traumatic failure. The conference took place in Warsaw between 28 and 30 October 2019.
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