EIB Group Forum | Panel 5: Global economic relations at a time of geopolitical dislocation

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Globalisation and the financial architecture that underpins it are faced with an increasingly vocal backlash. But challengers of the institutional order have yet to put forward a coherent alternative. While coordination is more necessary than ever to tackle global challenges, from climate change to health emergencies and conflict, the world is retracting into a patchwork of regional or national responses. Can free trade, cooperation and openness reclaim their allure? Or must we contend with a regionalization of policies and ambitions? How can the world avoid a “tragedy of the commons” in this emerging landscape?

Agathe Demarais - Senior Fellow for Geo-economics, European Council on Foreign Relations
Agnes Dasewicz - Chief Operating Officer, U.S. International Development Finance Corporation
Arancha Gonzalez - Dean, Paris School of International Affairs
David Kuijper - General Manager (CEO), European Development Finance Institutions
Clare Lombardelli - Chief Economist, OECD
Bertrand Walckenaer - Deputy CEO, Agence Française de Développement (AFD)

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