i built a $2,000,000 MANSION in the sims for 2,000,000 subscribers!

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This is the biggest build I have EVER made in The Sims 4! Thank you for all of your support over the years. You're amazing.

Use my creator code “LILSIMSIE” when purchasing Sims packs to help support my channel! I’ll earn a 5% commission on your purchase! #EAPartner (This video is not sponsored, but I do have an affiliate code & I've been gifted Sims packs in the past.)

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★ Sims Gallery: lilsimsie

This video is family friendly, but The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up.

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Kayla talking about her kid self recording videos in her room makes me so nostalgic 🥺 I was a kid in my room watching her videos, playing sims on my laptop, and I'm still here all these years later! From the Steele family to the Bell family, thanks for all these wonderful videos and building such a wonderful community Kayla!


I feel like Kayla would LOVE doing the tiny town challenge! It would be so fun to watch too, I hope she gets to do it.


I've been here since like 10, 000 and now its 2million? You should be so proud of the wonderful community you have created. You work incredibly hard, and look how it has paid off! Congrats, Simsie!


hey kayla, longtime subscriber since i started following you when i was 18, and you were 16. honestly, the appeal of your early videos was 1) the fantastic building by a teen 2) the crazy drama and high school updates you'd give people. it was the perfect marrying of storytimes, which was popular at the time, and gaming videos.


Just as a sidebar for the poolhouse: I babysat for a wealthy family who had a large pool house including an office with large glass windows, a spacious home gym, bathroom, shower for after swimming, pool chemicals and a separate room for all the electrical needs of a pool. But generally the purpose of a pool house is to shower and store the cleaning and operational supplies of a pool. :)
LOVE the build btw, your videos got me into playing the sims myself. Congrats on 2M!


I started watching lilsimsie's videos almost 3 years ago. I cannot stress enough how much Kayla's content has helped me. I started watching her content after my stepdad passed away from covid 19 back at the end of 2021. I literally felt hopeless after this happened. He was a BIG part of my life, and now that he was gone, I didn't know what to do. I found lilsimsie's content locking myself in my room trying to escape from everything happening in my life. Kayla's content always made me smile and feel really happy in such a horrible time. Her and a few other youtubers, kind of saved me in a way. Now me and my grandma watch Kayla's videos ALL THE TIME together! We all love you Kayla, and you deserve every subscriber, every view, and every like you get, because you are AMAZING! And you make OVER 2 MILLION people's lives better. I don't think she'll see this, but either way, I wanted to write this to let people know they're not alone. We love you! <3


"There's a couple repeats left in. It's never on purpose." Oh. This whole time I thought he did it just to troll you 😂


Your building videos always get me inspired to build more things and get out of my comfort zone in the sims


Hey Simsie! I know you’ll probably never see this, but I just wanted to thank you! I’ve been watching your channel since I was 15 and you were 16, and I grew up watching your videos and hitting milestones about a year behind you (graduation, college, moving out from home), and it felt a little like having a big sister 😅. Having someone else who had similar experiences and who loved a lot of the same things I did made me feel like I wasn’t alone in some of the hardest points of my life so far, so thank you so much for deciding to record videos one day! I look forward to watching your videos for years to come! ❤❤❤


My bestie's inlaws are pool house rich. They've got the pool filter, chemicals, temperature controls, and pool toys in a shed section and then there's another section that's kind of like a cabana made permanent. That section has living room furniture, a kitchenette, and access to a changing room and bathroom. They've got those glass doors that fold open like the Desert Luxe door. I think they store the patio furniture in there in the off-season.


i started watching simsie when vixella did the nsb legacy, which was i think in 2016-2017? either way, i've been here from v early on and it's been weird growing up alongside simsie (i'm a few years younger than her) it's crazy that some of my memories of watching simsie are considered baby simsie at this point. i was there when she started twitch streaming, i was there when she started face cam.

simsie, it's bc of you that i decided to finish my degree a whole year early. it's bc of you that i fell deeper in love with the sims 4. it's bc of you that i started building. congrats on 2mil, and you are an inspiration to so many


i've been a subscriber since you were in college and i remember you talking about graduating, then all about Dan moving to US and buying the house. crazy how the time flies! in my timezone you post at 9pm, so everyday before bed i watch your videos 🥺


I am so happy to be apart of this community and I think you saved me from making some really stupid decisions more than once because you were there to distract me. I am truly grateful and want you to know that you deserve this so much. You are one of the few truly inclusive people on the internet and stand up for what’s important for you while still making sure nobody is hurt. I don’t know you personally so this might not mean much and I’m pretty sure you won’t see this but I am incredibly proud of you! Thank you for being <3


If you are watching this and you are older than 25, just realize, you are doing a great job. You don’t have to go to college, you don’t have to buy a house, you don’t have to get married, you don’t have to have 2 million subscribers to be “successful”. Just be you! :) don’t let someone else’s success give you a reason to beat yourself up.


Hiiii!!! I've never been this early before, but I am OBSESSED with your videos! (also I'm the girl Evelyn who asked what lifespan the 100 baby challenge was on, not that you remember lmao) I almost cried when you said my name😭


my understanding of a pool house has always been a shed where you kept pool stuff (ex pool noodles, floaties, chlorine etc). my opa has a pool shack that he built and we’d use it to change into swimsuits as well. perhaps rich people have a different definition lol


You know I didn't even know about the game "The Sims" for years and many more years and how I found out about it was watching a video called.."Leaving my game unpaused for 24 hours" by LaurenZside, and then in her video she mentioned getting the idea from Lilsimsie and had her video and I was hmm... interesting so I watched Lilisimsie's video and I absolutely fell in love with the Sims 4! I'm now obsessed and have all game packs and expansion packs and played for about 3 years now! Because of Kayla and her wonderful quirky, bubbly self! Kayla you are now my most favorite YouTuber to watch! Thank you for making me a Simmer! 🎉❤


this was such a special video, as someone who started streaming when i was 17 and has had to take a long break due to college and a lot of bad personal stuff, this really made me motivated to create content again. thank you simsie, you’re the peoples’ princess 🧡


I love when you made a Mansion for 1 million can't wait to see this


I can't remember exactly when I first started watching your channel (I recall you used to use Nintendo Wii music), but I began purchasing Sims 4 software in 2017 after getting reacquainted with the Sims franchise from YouTubers like yourself and James Turner. I played Sims 1 and 2 religiously but life happened (2 children and a career) and eventually, I found I didn't have any time for Sims gameplay. Fast forward to 2016-2017, I found content creators like you on YouTube and realized this format was fun and a great way to escape real life while enjoying the game play of others. I watched you grow up and go off to college right along with my youngest daughter who is almost exactly your same age (she's just slightly older). You inspired me to continue playing the Sims and enjoy the little things in life. I am so happy that I found you on YouTube. It feels great to be a part of such a wonderful community. Your videos bring me joy and respite. Thank you for being a wholesome content creator with a desire to help others while including everyone (even old grandmas like me)❤
