What's the REAL Connection Between Anti-Capitalism and Nationalism?

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Like a lot of us, I came to the right through libertarianism. What changed me was that I love my people and my country more than I love money.

Eventually, the pursuit of profit will mean opening the borders.


Mad how this guy has 6 views on the video but AA still finds it, he's like Darth Vader searching for Jedi in the far reaches of the universe


As soon as Poland becomes 10-20% non Polish they'll start fondly looking back at the Soviet days


Glad you mentioned Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh. The Vietnamese leadership other than Ho were not interested in his communism; they reached the compromise of "independence now, communism later". When the US started to intervene, they officially went 'commie' as they had no choice if they wanted help from the Eastern bloc. Whatever you think of the Vietnam war, you have to respect the PAVN's guts to keep fighting against the firepower the US brought against them. Men don't march through artillery and napalm for an abstract idea, but for blood and soil.


We need to better understand right-wing anti-capitalism. The outrageous dictum of right-wing=market should be demolished. Economy shouldn't be central for a political thought. Economism is a trap that's been used to subvert the right.

Edit: I tried to comment below as response but my comments won't show for whatever reason so I add here;

1) Thinking right as individualistic is another misconception. The trademark of 19th century right-wing position (which is synonymous with opposition to Enlightenment liberalism) is prioritizing group bonds over the individual. How radical this priority is can vary from very radical at Bonald etc. to Burke-Tocqueville but the theme is very obvious.

2) You have to agree that the dominant strain of left today is modern liberals who are individualist. You may say well they are globalists and they talk of "universal such and such" so claim that they are not individualist, but this is a mistake; because they do not take globe as a collective, they take every individual as an equal unit and disregard any social structure and then extrapolate from the individual to the globe. In that sense, left today are very radically individualist, however off-the-mark their notion of said "individual" may be.


West and East Germany is a great example of this, after post ww2 both went through a lot of change to be "de-nazified" but in a separate way. While West Germany got de-nazified by liberalism and capitalism, their Eastern part remained in a time capsule where they got de-nazified by reviving "Prussian Nationalism" and Socialism.


“Communism rots the body, Capitalism rots the soul.”
― Tomislav Sunić


"Fascism is practical Socialism, distinguished from its dim cousin by its far more sophisticated grasp of incentives, or of human nature in its motivated individual and tribal particularity. When compared to universalistic Communism, Fascism’s practical advantages are such that ‘Actually Existing Socialism’ always soon turns into it. National Socialism and Socialism In One Country are not sanely separable things."
(Nick Land - "The F Word")


When you disconnect the nation from it's people, the nation crumbles. You have to fortify a nation under attack from the outside.


The consensus I have noticed among conservative Poles is that there has been an apparent trade off between economic growth and cultural decline since 1989. Not sure there were any good alternatives at that time, but ironically the Church was probably stronger under Communism than it is today. This was not to the credit of the regime though - the Church was effectively a rival castle to the state that was too large and ingrained into the culture to be meaningfully suppressed. Even the Pope lamented the Americanization of Poland in the 90s, however, and it’s only accelerated since then.


In the Soviet Union and then in Russia, WWII was known as "The Great Patriotic War".


It is quite simple. After 40 to 50 years of Communism there was still a Polish people. After 50 years of American-style liberalism there won't be.


Was just talking yesterday with my friend about how Tito’s key to success was essentially “separate but equal” segregation.


The reason Poland came out of communism with such good values is not any political system, it is Pope Saint John Paul II and the Grace of God through him


I completely agree that there is no way to maintain a market-based economic system without it establishing powers that promote liberalism and internationalism. The kings of old, the many denominations of churches and generations of reactionary leaders have all failed to hold the line the second international capital takes root. It seems that nothing substantive can be done until that tree is cut down


Academic Agent is on the Road to National Socialism or third way as wealth inequality is hurting his people. Minorities have said the same forever...


Free trade and economic liberalism can pretty much always be empirically measured to make number go up, whether talking about GDP or GNP or whatever. The pitfall for many people then becomes this growth being treated as the only index that matters in society and not seeing an externally valid connection between the means by which number went up and negative outcomes in society. Like how if you automate 90% of the jobs away and everyone is on comfortable levels of welfare, you'll likely still see a rise in crime and fall in social trust because everyone is milling about with nothing to do.

Being a leftie is a shortcut to understanding the connection between policy and bad social outcomes because they're pathologically opposed to number going up even though in a vacuum the macroeconomic indicators going up _are_ a good thing.

Basically, libertarians don't see how plugging a new wire into an overstuffed outlet can cause a short while leftists want to solve the overstuffed outlet by shutting off power to the whole building.


Should we draw a distinction between international capitalism and domestic capitalism?


Economists ought to understand the science of economics the way that engineers and chemists understand physics, mechanics, and chemistry. But they don't. Because economics is more superficially abstract than the physical sciences it's easier for political scammers to manipulate perceptions and understandings about how economics really works.
The first rule of economic science is, there ain't no free lunch. The other first rule is, politicians will always use economic jargon to justify ripping you off and enslaving you, especially left wing and right wing and most of all moderate centrist politicians. There are more first rules because every authentic rule of economics is a first rule.


I had a pretty popular thread on the awful bird app that pointed out the only country to achieve a positive fertility rate growth back to replacement rates was the DDR. At one point higher than the Americans in 1980. It didn't survive the financial crises in the east through the Reagan years. However, it remains the only country in Europe to see a fertility growth of .8 and it's worth investing. This was a growth of the native population not through immigration. And they were rather nationalistic.
