There's a New Anniversary Model! | 2024 Gibson Les Paul 50s Standard 50th All Gold Bizarre Guitars

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📚Description: Dealer anniversary guitars are unique because most of them are small runs that get forgotten to time. To help cement this unique, base-in-history ALL GOLD Les Paul Standard, I decided I needed to do a review on one.

Besides just the finish, it also has a special underwound 57 classic in the neck and a 57+ in the bridge which is pretty different from the stock BB1 and burst bucker 2 set regularly found in 50s standards. Don't forget the titanium saddles too!

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My 1991 1960 LP Classic is solid Bullion Gold bought it new when I worked part time at a music store. I like gold tops but solid gold is over the top.


One of the best sounding LP's I've ever heard in your videos. That's a keeper. I'd buy it if I wasn't broke!


I remember living down the street from bizarre guitar. Right next door to bizarre gun shop. Both have basements with bizarre guitar has a legendary collection in the vault in theirs. Love that shop


I like Trog's alternative guitar reviews. I like hearing about the MOD collection. I like hearing about the deals on Reverb 😊


I don't normally love goldtops or even Les Paul standards but god damn something about this one looks so good, and the pickups sound fantastic :)


Reno NV should have used a casino style poker chip


I dig it. Never thought id like a gold back.... but here I am liking it haha


Hey Austin, I think the finish on the back looks like what Gibson now calls "TV Gold", as its showing a lot of wood grain just like TV yellow. You can find great Custom Shop SGs in that finish.


Now I wish I would have waited to buy my Gold Top. Oh well. Mine at least has a nice natural back with some fair wood grain.


I have an SG Standard '61 in Silver Mist, which has the same sink. Definitely a cool finish!


I have the 2013 Tribute To Les Paul 1952 Gold Bullion Guitar. It has P 90’s and screams. I’ll never get rid of it.


I always loved the all gold LP. great look❤❤❤❤❤❤


I just replaced the pickups and wiring harness in my favorite SG a few weeks ago here and I went with an underwound 57' @ the bridge and a straight up 57' @ the neck position. I also decided to go with the uncovered 57' @ the bridge as well just for a little extra although I'm on the fence about that if it really makes a difference noticeable in tone hah! Regardless though, the guitar sounds fantastic. I had a set of Saturday Night Special SD pickups in it prior, not that I thought they were bad. I picked this husk up from Stratosphere a few years ago around 2020. I own three SG's currently but this one is the one I reach for the most, all three are really nice and I'm not knocking the others. I love Gibson guitars and I own a couple of Fender's as well too and certainly wouldn't knock those either, all preference and what you get used to I guess.
Dig your channel Austin, I watch it each morning with my coffee 👍


Excellent detailed review, I love this channel.

A question :
The tone of this Gibson Bizarre guitar is exactly the same as the current Gibson Standards 50's?

I see the one from the Standards 50's as more coppery and the one from the Bizarre as more of a gold or brass tone.

I really liked this Gibson Bizarre guitar.

Good day!!!


Visually - DO NOT GET RID OF THIS GUITAR!!! The clean settings on here sound like a dream come true. If I was just listening (and not watching) I would have never guessed "Les Paul" from the sound.


Literally just found and bought one of these from that shop while randomly searching on reverb. Have wanted an all Goldtop for such a long time and these just happened to pop up on the search . Got it brand new for under the already discounted price due to some tarnish on the bridge. Which is not something that bothers me at all! Really cool its such a small batch of them too. Super excited to get it! Had no idea Trogly even made a video on it until now too 😅. When watching the video I just noticed it has the pointers on the knobs as well. Which is another feature a regular standard doesn’t have


what year is there not an aniversery model ?


Trogly this guitar is really a clean example. Job well done in acquiring it!


Made me want one! Good job! BTW, I always like to put an underwound pickup in the neck! Can get you amazing bell like tones through an amp or chain with reverb.


That rosewood on the fretboard is super nice!
