Mode & Median of a Continuous Probability Distribution

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Hey Mr Woo!
I used to be a student at CTHS, and had you as my teacher for my orientation day class of maths...which has never been one of my favourite subjects but in that short lesson I already felt so much better about it, experiencing your enthusiasm. It really isn’t surprising to me how popular you are! I always hoped I’d have you as my teacher in my senior years, though I left before I had the chance but I’m so glad to see you across many different platforms, my friends interstate watch you and cannot believe I’ve met you! You’re a bit of a celebrity amongst the mathematically challenged (like myself), coming up to exams I’m keeping a keen eye on the content you put out. All the best. :)


the enthusiasm you put in your classes . Oh i can feel it right from first 10 seconds .You are doing great sir .


This mode of teaching is what it means to be engaging. Median.


watched this in 2x speed. Still more comprehensive than most math teachers. Amazing.


you are just great searching for a teacher who can clear my doubts and i gots you are amazing sir i can follow you


Mr. Woo amazing videos, they have really helped me do better in college. I really love how you're so passionate about math, the way you teach that makes all of understand it better, thank you so much for doing this <3


can you can expalin every topic of math by visual method??


Hi Eddie. It was great hearing about probability density functions. Can you please try to talk a bit about radial probability functions/distributions? Perhaps pertaining to atoms. That would be great:-) thanks!


Mr Woo can you please recommend some teaching tools/games for young kids to help them learn maths while having fun ?


You're easily in my top ten favorite people.

Wait that came out weird.

Or did it?


I hope that over the next generation Math teachers will come to impress upon their students that the notional existence of normal distributions of events in the real world is entirely arbitrary. They are exactly like the drunk looking for his wallet under the lamp-post where there's light and it's easy to look, rather than down the alley where he actually lost it.

We've been studying sinusoids for maybe three thousand years and normal distributions for about a thousand, so it's convenient to assert that the work didn't go to waste, Zipf's "Law", power distributions, and fractal curves -- which are more plausible idealizations of reality -- are all more recent. We are coming to find that they fit the data better and have much more sensible justifications.

Eddie says here, very correctly, that mode and median are measures of central tendency. They are such measures in arithmetic. Arithmetic is not the real world of events. The assertion of central tendencies existing in the real world is quite arbitrary and sometimes -- e.g. throughout economics -- ideologically motivated.


*_Isaiah 55.6 Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. 7 Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the Lord, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon._*
_Only Jesus Christ saves. Repent and be saved. Jesus Christ loves you. God bless you, and peace be upon you and your family in the name of Jesus Christ.._
