From enemies to friends ❌ From enemies to friends with Messi ✅ ashwinigudhekar
From enemies to friends ❌ From enemies to friends with Messi ✅
Messi and pepe were never friend in El classico 😂 Ahmedibrahim-hefc
Messi and pepe were never friend in El classico 😂
Let's leave the content, and talk sbout the song🤤🤤 ColeX_
Let's leave the content, and talk sbout the song🤤🤤
People are just torturing messi at this point phantommlon
People are just torturing messi at this point
When Pepe stepped on Messi hand it was 2011/12 the 2nd clip 2010/11 RuaRonCon
When Pepe stepped on Messi hand it was 2011/12 the 2nd clip 2010/11
He didn’t even hit him in the head Messi was just faking because he was embarrassed DillonHall-vk
He didn’t even hit him in the head Messi was just faking because he was embarrassed