Neural Networks for Trading | Deep Learning in Python | Machine Learning Algorithms | Quantra

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Neural Networks for Trading:

This Quantra video on Deep Learning in Python will give you an overview of a course for quants and traders to implement neural network and deep learning in financial markets. Offered by Dr. Ernest Chan, learn to use advanced techniques such as LSTM, RNN in live trading. Below are the topics covered in this course:

1. Neural Networks Trading Strategy
2. Adding deep learning layers
3. Recurrent Neural Networks
4. Long Short Term Memory units
5. Cross Validation in Keras
6. Live Trading models

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#deeplearning #RNN #LSTM #machinelearningalgorithms

Quantra is an online education portal that specializes in Algorithmic and Quantitative trading. Quantra offers various bite-sized, self-paced and interactive courses that are perfect for busy professionals, seeking implementable knowledge in this domain.

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so hold on. the guy in the video says he can't make money using what he teaches, in fact, his experience is only losing millions. so why should I join this course? to donate him 300+ USD?


Ernest is one of the most generous person in finance given how much knowledge he shares with everyone. Kind of like the tech space.


What knowledge base do we need to benefit from this course? ex. multivariate calculus, advanced statistics, econometrics, etc


you can see that he is reading up from a document the whole time (look at his eye movement) - this looks extremely fishy


Respectfully, unlike AlphaGo, which was one of the more distinguished predecessors of Machine Learning/AI, I would doubt very very much Neural Network trading Algos can consistently beat the best scalpers exclusively one on one in Day Trading. In fact, I would put my money on the outcome where Machines get consistently slammed by the Top Human Scalpers.
