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If they are so common then why is there no research or treatment other than removal


Whatever sickness you have I hope you get better soon...


Hey yall. I had a 6 inch lipoma removed from between my shoulders yesterday. I noticed it after my 3rd pregnancy and over the years it just got huge. Well huge to me, I'm a small person. What my doctor didn't tell me, is that they can cause pain. This lipoma had ended up going INTO and between the muscles in my back, causing migraines, tension, and numbness in my arms. The surgeon said the it was very deep, and bigger than they anticipated. I say all of this to say, that I am in so much pain right now. I had to be put under and have this thing hacked out, im going to have a scar clear across my shoulders. This is a cautionary tale, as soon as you notice it, maybe just go ahead and take care of it. Cause if I wouldn't have gotten rid of it earlier, I could have saved myself years of pain and this could have been a little in house procedure under local and not a whole big deal. It sucks hard.


I went to Doctor yesterday to check my lipoma. I had 6 lipoma arm, and mostly on my leg. I asked the doctor if what are the cause of this, he told me it is genetic, then i ask is there any way to prevent it . He said no. I asked if we do operation is there possibility that it will come back . He said yes . Eventually hi told me there is no medication on it. I was hopeless to hear that because it's really bother me to see them. However, i thank God he comfort me . So i decided not to undergo operation this time. I let my God to help me my lipoma. All i need miracle from God coz i know only God can stop this genetic lipoma . Every night and day i lay hand my hands to my children praying that this genetic lipoma will not pass to my family . Only God can break this chain to my family .. in Jesus name ..


I was diagnosed with two lipomas last year 1/19 in the front of my neck & 3/19 on my right calf both were verified through mri's even though they were physically visible. Anyways, as of today 4-9-20 my doctor has verified that neither one is there anymore, which he has never seen before. Healed by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself!


In my opinion, some hormones like cortisol and estrogens triggers and influences the growth of this tumors.


I recently had my lipoma surgically removed as it was growing so large behind my behind my neck. I’m thankful to the surgeon who helped me remove them


My sister had one on her eye a couple of years ago. After experiencing other illnesses that were almost fatal, she was recommended to a herbalist (not for the lipoma). After she followed through the programme for a year, the illness was cured, and we were surprised that the lipoma that was growing on her eyelid disapeared.


Truly wonderful summary. From what I understand based on readings and family history, this is an autosomal dominant trait. Father has lipomas in extremities that has been passed on to next generation male, with female having 1-2, but male having more than 30. Onset is typically in 20s, but can be earlier or later. Typically coincides with weight gain. Have angiolipomas and they are typically painful to touch.


I really did not know lipomas were so common until recently!!! In my case at least, it definitely runs in the family. I am the third generation of people who have lipoma (mother, maternal grandfather). My grandfather had at least 12- some random, some in reaction to consistent pressure. My mother has one on her forearm where she carries her purse (and has carried it for over a decade).


I developed a lipoma right above a decades-old neurofibroma... Both were painful and my dermatologist excised them in one visit. The lipoma was very stubborn- she really had to push to get that thing out. I’m glad I saw a dermatologist to take care of this- I have 2 decent sized scars, but it’s nice to not have to subconsciously guard the area all the time.
Happy Friday!!


I cant stop getting Lipomas. They keep growing all over my body non stop . seems like I get a new one every week. Most of them are painful. It i driving me nuts. I wish it would stop. Because the pain is uncomfortable.


Have to admit you are the actual informative person around here.... great respect for you for giving medical background for basically everything...😎❤❤


I love how you said it's not a hard surgery yet they charge has thousands of dollars to remove one one it's a chronic condition that we can't control.


I am in my late 40s, I am female, and I have several of these that are painful. I am the only person in my family that has these. I notice they hurt worse when I have inflammation going on. I struggle with unexplained inflammation quite often. My doctor seems unconcerned, but I'm not sold that it's nothing to worry about


Thank you for a timely video! My husband just had a lipoma removed from his back and neither of us had heard of them before. He eats a low fat diet, very health conscious, and no known family history. He didn’t even know it was there until I noticed what looked like a golf ball under his skin while he was bent over the sink one morning. It looked a bit alarming 😳 His dermatologist said the same thing, she finds them very satisfying to remove and they usually just pop out at her.


Is there a size limitation for these to be removed by a dermatologist in the office versus a general surgeon doing it under anesthesia? I’m guessing the size of mine is why my doc wants me to see a general surgeon, it’s on my back and about the size of a lemon, is also painful. Thank you for all of your helpful information and videos!


It never ceases to amaze me of all the new things that can be learned while listening to you. Thank you, Dr. Dray. Your videos are very helpful and thank you for taking the time do these videos for us! ♥


Dr Dray thank you so much you’ve revolutionised the way I think about my skin and the way I look after it. I’ve always known that SPF is so important and wearing a hat to protect from the sun also, my nan taught me to moisturise from the age of 13 (I’m now 43) so thanks to her I now have good skin for my age.
I’m so glad I came across your you tube, I’ve now binge watched nearly every vid in 2 weeks! I’ve brought all new ( great priced ) products ( Hada labo, neatrogena hydro boost, salacylic acid cleanser ) & have started my new regime 2 days ago! I can’t tell you the amount of money I’ve wasted trying to get rid of my skin concerns ( mild-ish hormonal acne, large pores, excess oil)
So thank you for giving us this information and I love your sense of humour! Big fan here xxx


What about devices that treat the lipoma with ultrasound?
