Monstercat A&R: How to Get Signed to a Record Label in 2023

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Here’s how to get signed to the world’s best record labels! I had the pleasure of interviewing Jonathan Winter and Jimmy Yoshitake – the Lead A&Rs for @Monstercat – one of the world's leading electronic music record labels - who share their advice for new (and seasoned) producers alike.

Huge thanks for Jonathan and Jimmy for taking the time to share these insights with us!

Check out Monstercat Uncaged, Monstercat Silk and Monstercat Instinct below…

(KYRIPH is one of our Accelerator students. If you want to make professional-quality dance music as quickly as possible, you can apply to work directly with Will and the team here:

In this interview we go in-depth into:

00:00 - What we cover in our chat
00:46 - Meeting Jon and Jimmy
02:25 - What do A&Rs do
03:30 - Ways A&Rs discover artists
05:30 - What defines a good/bad A&R
10:00 - What do A&Rs look for in a ‘perfect artist’
12:55 - How big a factor is having industry connections
14:50 - How to start making connections
17:30 - How important is having an existing portfolio of work
20:00 - Importance of originality vs fitting in
23:17 - How to stand out from other artists
29:00 - Building production skills vs building social media presence (if you’re time-limited)
31:40 - A&Rs preference on working with artists short-term or long-term
34:10 - Should you have 3+ tracks to submit before approaching A&R
35:20 - The most successful trait of artists
38:25 - Releasing with an established label vs self-releasing
40:20 - Best way to get demos heard (by Monstercat A&R)
41:40 - Any other tips (for release on Monstercat)
46:00 - Things artists can do to be mindful when contacting A&R

For more industry interviews, check out…

#monstercat #musicindustry #gettingsigned
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Hope you enjoy this one! Let me know whom you'd most like to see me interview on this channel (producers, DJs, label-bosses, etc.)!? I really enjoy it :)


I have been releasing my music on larger labels for a time now, but the interview was still very interesting and enriching. Thanks for that Will!


Thank you, Will, for organizing this discussion. While I appreciate the insights shared so far, I believe there is still a lack of transparency regarding what constitutes a bad A&R. Unfortunately, many of the major labels have A&R policies that prioritize signing artists who fit a certain template rather than seeking out new, original sounds. As a result, many A&Rs today seem to judge music based solely on their personal taste, which may not necessarily align with what will work commercially or resonate with audiences.

This narrow-minded approach can be discouraging for new artists who are trying to break into the industry. I have witnessed numerous occasions where talented artists have been rejected by A&Rs, only to be signed once the A&R in question has been replaced by someone with a different perspective. This indicates that while A&Rs claim to be on the lookout for new talent, they may not be actively seeking out emerging artists or listening to releases from smaller labels.

It is also worth noting that even the biggest star DJs may not be the best judges of what will resonate with audiences, as they may be sticking to the same formulaic sounds that have worked for them in the past. Therefore, it is crucial for A&Rs to take risks and seek out new, innovative sounds, rather than relying solely on what is currently popular or what the top DJs are playing.

It is important to remember that some of the most successful artists or bands, such as Queen or Prydz, achieved their success by breaking the mold and offering something new and original. By taking a more open-minded approach, A&Rs and labels can help foster a more diverse and innovative music industry, while also supporting emerging artists who may not fit into the current industry template.


moment of silence for all of the earrape prank demos they have recieved


To any new artists, producers and musicians, anyone who's not already established, please, just don't. A label can't help you. I've released thousands of tracks in my career under some big names and the biggest labels. It doesn't change anything (except you get paid far far less).
Be honest, Labels made sense in the non-digital era, 4 tv channels to advertise on (practically guaranteeing exposure with the ad budget), gate keepers bypassed (Payola/ promoters/ charts), physical formats (limited print & availability), distribution of that physical format, Bought shelf space, recording advances needed for studio recording before it was trivial to record at home.
NONE of that is a problem now, not for a long time. ALSO, to make matters worse, many label's are so desperate now, their contracts are for the term "perpetuity" if you this comment and no know what that means it means they will own your rights forever, and probably give a 1 time 3k advance in return.
If you're track isn't already viral you'll get a couple of thousand plays extra off their youtube channel and playlists for around 1 week, that's usually all


Wow. Amazing interview. Probably most informative ive found. I appreciate that these two were very down to earth not typical big business corporate talk guys trying to just promo the label. Just very straight forward and helpful for anyone listening.


Great video Will as always. Thank you also to Jonathan Winter and Jimmy Yoshitake for their tips on how to get signed by a record label. Much respect!!! ✌


NGL this video is super motivational. Thank you for taking the time to make this!!!


thanks so much for this interview Will. it was a very eye opened one to focus a bit more on when try to get to a label. It helps me to not think to overthinked when my music is release ready and I'm tryna to reach out to a label.


Loved the tip about joining live streams! So much potential in it indeed! Another (secret or not so secret) tip would be following certain professional producers on Patreon! :)


Quality really enjoyed this thank you 👊


Incredible video. It has been my dream to work with a label like Monstercat for years. One day it will happen when I can afford to focus more on music haha.


These style of content sometimes helps more than anything. Thank you.


I would love you to interview Colorize/Enhanced Music. Modera, Klur, Mattfax, Sultan + Sheperd.. And as I said before, it would be nice to hear how much you are expected to earn and if the payments are one offs or royalty based.


Very interesting video! As a small record label owner it's so interesting to see how a&rs of such a big label connect with artists and find new stuff to release.
Appreciated as well the tips for being a better a&r, even if this video was focused to the artists haha, they will most likely help me being a better label owner (I'm the only one doing everything haha)

22:52 is what i keep telling people. More than a label owner, im also a listener and an EDM fan, and all of this wouldn't have nearly half the fun if i didnt take it as a hobby like i do


I want to get signed to Monstercat so badly, its my dream label. I know I seriously need to get my production skills up before I can sign with them though, I just gotta be patient.


Are Trance song still a thing in this Decade! Cause of course of sort of i like electronic and techno make more impact on the digital music market.


I needed to hear this 🙏🏾 Thank you, gentlemen 🧐🍻


Great content as always, Will @EDM Tips - enjoyed this one


First view this time. 😃 Really enjoyed. Thank you.
