The Soul And Its Instrument. Spiritual Lessons Audiobook By Lucille Cedercrans.

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The Soul And Its Instrument. Djwhal Khul Spiritual Lessons Audiobook Taught By Lucille Cedercrans.

00:00:00 - INTRO
00:00:28 - LESSON 1 - Introduction To Group Work Group Responsibility to the World Group and Humanity,Individual Responsibility to the Group,Assessment of Motivations for the Work,Identity: Personality, Soul and Creativity,Habits and the Recognized Need for Discipline and Application.
00:10:24 - LESSON 2 - The Constitution Of The Human Entity The Monad,The Soul or Consciousness Aspect,The Personality,The Threefold Movement of Manifestation,Further Clarification of the Monad, Soul and Personality.
00:19:30 - LESSON 3 - The Threefold Instrument Of Contact And The Etheric Network,The Four Major Energies of the Etheric Body,The Seven Centers or Chakras of the Etheric Body,Meditation on the Etheric Body
00:30:54 - LESSON 4 - Three Major Classifications Of Soul Consciousness Spiritual Soul, Human Soul and Animal Soul Defined,The Dual Nature of the Concrete Mind,Observing the Mental Process, The Four Stages of Human Development Visible Today.
00:40:11 - LESSON 5 - The Planetary Etheric Body As A Vehicle Of Synthesis States of Awareness,The Threefold Personality and the Need for Integration,The Etheric Body as the Medium of Communication,Meditation for Cleansing the Mental Body.
00:45:55 - LESSON 6 - The Astral Body And The Emotional Nature,Part 1,Three attitudes which hinder growth; Fear, attachment to phenomena, and refusal to recognize the astral plane; The astral body as the power factor of manifestation
00:54:53 - LESSON 7 - The Astral Body And The Emotional Nature,Part 2,The astral plane as a convergence of many forms, worlds and energies;The individual astral body and its contact with the physical body;Three methods of cleansing the astral body, Inherent dangers of past systems and the astral body; A mantram for truth
01:04:44 - LESSON 8 - The Astral Body And The Emotional Nature,Part 3,The future and the astral body;Four ways to recognize astral polarization;Movement from astral to mental polarization;Methods of attaining mental polarization;A meditation for group service
01:12:11 - LESSON 9 - The Mental Body And The Plane Of Mind,Part 1,Clarification of terminology: consciousness, mind and mental body;The threefold consciousness of the individual;The individual mind and the creation of thought;The division of the Universal Mind: Divine Mind,Abstract Mind and Concrete Mind
01:22:31 - LESSON 10 - The Mental Body And The Plane Of Mind,Part 2,The mental body, its form and substance;Each vehicle occupies the same time and space;The layers and density of mental substance;The center (chakra) system and the layers of the mind
01:30:28 - LESSON 11 - The Mental Body And The Plane Of Mind,Part 3,Characteristics of mental polarization; The synthesis of the lower mind into a working unit;Mental polarization as a requirement for progress upon the Path;The inward movement and alignment with the Soul;Recapitulation of polarization and alignment
01:41:56 - LESSON 12 - The Creative Process And The Rebuilding Of The Persona,The Focus of the Aspirant in the Ajna,Acting as is, The Cave as the Blending of Will and Wisdom,How Creativity is Utilized Through the Meditation Process,A Meditation Form for the Manifestation of the Soul Oriented Persona
01:51:19 - LESSON 13 - The Body Of Knowledge And Energies From Past Lives,Part 1,The Problem of Identity,The Purpose of Experience,The Goal of Unity
01:58:20 - LESSON 14 - The Body Of Knowledge And Energies From Past Lives,Part 2,The past as an instrument of the Soul, Causal Body, Egoic Egg;The Monad, Consciousness and the three permanent atoms;The redemption of consciousness identified with form;Past lives and the identification with experience;The United States and Atlantis, the karmic obligation of a group Soul;
02:12:19 - LESSON 15 - The Seven Rays, The Personality, and Evolution,Part 1,The causal body and the cave;The seven rays and the causal body;The seven rays defined;The evolution of the Soul and its utilization of the seven rays (with an example of the process);Considerations of the Soul
02:21:34 - LESSON 15 - The Seven Rays, The Personality, and Evolution,Part 1,The causal body and the cave;The seven rays and the causal body;The seven rays defined;The evolution of the Soul and its utilization of the seven rays (with an example of the process);Considerations of the Soul
02:27:53 - LESSON 17 - The Seven Rays, The Personality, And Evolution,Part 2,Recapitulation of the evolution of the personality (using example of personality lives from Lesson 15);Explanation of future growth and the coming age of the seventh ray;A group process for ray determination.
02:38:17 - LESSON 18 - The Condition Of The Personality And Past Actions,Acceptance of the Disciples present instrument;Attitude concerning personality problems;Reasons difficulties are present;Present difficulties as service;Healing accomplished through right attitude.
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