Putting Respect On FINAL FANTASY XIII In 2022...

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It's time to put RESPECT on Final Fantasy 13 in the year of our Lord and Savior, 2022. It has become apparent to me that Final Fantasy fans and myself don't see eye-to-eye often. Whether it be my adoration for Final Fantasy 9 or my lukewarm reception of Final Fantasy X, there have been issues across the board with my takes. However, today we put that all behind us to talk about Final Fantasy XIII, the most hated Final Fantasy. My goal is to not make you love it, but walk away understanding how someone like myself can grow to like it.

#PlayStation #FinalFantasy #FinalFantasy13
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It's quite ironic that Square Enix would choose to copyright claim out own recorded gameplay **SIX** separate times, but here we are. The algorithm doesn't push videos that aren't monetized, so we had to adjust. Sadly what that means is our strong start to the initial upload is permanently erased. Any sharing, liking, or commenting would be MUCH appreciated to rebuild that initial momentum <3


This trilogy is quite special to me. It served as a "escape" from a dark reality I was living at the time. Yes, I can recognize its shortcomings, but man, I just loved it.


Such a godly soundtrack. I also recently played this during the pandemic. I didn’t care for it much when it released but during lock down I was able to appreciate this game. I remember one of the main criticisms being that it wasn’t open world. In an era with nothing but open world games. It’s linearity through the beginning hours was much appreciated by me and a breath of fresh air.


This game has one of the best soundtracks I've heard in gaming....graphics were amazing for its time, the gameplay wasn't bad it was different from what i had played at the time..very unique game. It really wasn't that bad tbh. It's not one of the greatest but it's good. The story was complex tho not easily graspable but it's still there to follow maybe not the best...art style is dope


Agree 100% on the linearity. Playing this a couple years back just having a path to follow was refreshing. I me some open worlds but taking a break and just following the path as it moves through the story was so.. pleasant.


I absolutely LOVED the combat system for FF13. It was a blast and I really enjoyed how tense boss battles got, had me shifting paradigms like a wild man! Best graphics of the time by far. It had it’s problems but I liked it.


Playing FFXIII in 2023 is a breath of fresh air. I didn't realize how much I missed (active) turn-based battles, linearity and lots and lots of brilliantly directed cutscenes in a big budget RPG. I hope Square remasters this game for the PS5.


Ive always gotten the impression that people who criticize the gameplay for being "autopilot" probably never got past the first few hours let alone beat the game


13 was my first ff game and i adore it. Discovering new lore bits and finally understanding ones given at the beginning of the game was so entertaining to me, the gameplay was easy enough for me to pick up but tough to master which kept me on my toes during harder fights but it was FUN. The game was fun. The soundtrack was stellar, some songs will still get stuck in my head to this day. You could get emotionally invested in the characters (most of the time) and it was a breath of fresh air compared to whatever else I was playing at 13 years old. I wish I could experience it again for the first time because it really was something


I think it's great that lighting is emotional because me being an actual soldier I've seen emotions run high. I've seen people dislike or even hate another person but come together for a cause just to fall out again. I've seen people not believe in the mission and then be all about it. It makes her human and I can relate to her mood swings. A lot happens in combat.


13 was the very first FF game I ever beat(12 was too complicated for my 11 year old brain) but playing 13 when I was 14 years old was incredible. I love FF13 and I’ll always defend it. 13-2 was even better. I do hope to play lightning returns one day.


What a great video, I'm so excited to see what you have to say about FFXIII-2. That game is insane, and even handles time travel really well! I also love the experimental soundtrack, you can really tell the musicians had a lot of fun writing the music for that game.


Since square took down the last video I'll just repost my comment here.

FF 13 is far from my favorite Final Fantasy in terms of Story and Characters, but thematically I believe it is among the strongest entries.

I appreciate the existential nihilism in this entry that runs contrary to the bulk of the series.

Having the cast be comprised of unwilling agents of uncaring gods pushing forward to a goal that is unknown to them at the start is very novel when compared to the purposeful death march of FFX or the dutiful quest to save the planet and face the past in FF7


FFXIII is a very divisive game, even within itself. It's got a great battle system, but that's over 90+% of the gameplay. It's got great character and art design, but the map design often falls flat, leading you down hallways for the first 20+ hours. It's got a straightforward, interesting story, but it drowns you in so much proprietary technobabble so quickly that it takes far too long to grasp any of it. It eventually allows your characters to branch out into other job classes, but the cost to do so is twice as much as going down the developer-intended path, essentially forcing you into a choice to either go where the developers want or go your own way but develop half as quickly.

It's a mess, but I can't say it's bad. I also can't say it's great, either. It's a pretty good game held down by a lot of perplexing decisions.


Great video. I started FF15 a few weeks ago after being turned off at release. I am about to finish the game and really enjoyed it. Updates and a new perspective really change how you view a game.


-Shits on FFX
-Complains about FF fans shitting on him
-Praises FF13 and calls FF13-2 one of the best FF ever made



Honestly, XIII will always be my favorite FF game. That may be mainly due to nostalgia, watching my dad play it, before picking it up myself. But there's something about the world, characters, music, even simple animations like walking and paradigm shifting, that make me feel right at home.


Favorite battle system in any jrpg I have played. Love this game, soundtrack, and vivid graphics. I think of it often and can't believe its been xiii years.


Fun fact: Sazh is actually the best character in the game for the Blitz ability...but only if the enemy is close to him cause he shoots quite a few bullets with the move it does a lot of damage.


FF13 was my first Final fantasy game and i put so many hours into it and it's a game I am very fond of and is a personal favourite of mine!
