Fix Your LEAKY GUT To Prevent DIABETES, HEART DISEASE & CANCER | Emeran Mayer & Mark Hyman

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There’s a foundational piece of Functional Medicine that I find surprises many conventional health practitioners: it’s that the health of our gut impacts every other part of the body—even the brain. There are several reasons for this. When working correctly, our gut digests our food and absorbs nutrients so we can have energy and vitality. It eliminates toxins and fights pathogens. It’s also the home of trillions of microorganisms that aid in these processes and do so much more, like manage inflammation and produce transmitters.⁣

I was excited to talk to Dr. Emeran Mayer on this episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy, all about nurturing the microbiome to support whole-body health and fight the epidemic of chronic disease. Dr. Emeran Mayer is the author of the recently released book The Gut-Immune Connection as well as The Mind-Gut Connection. He has studied brain-body interactions for the last forty years and is the executive director of the G. Oppenheimer Center for Neurobiology of Stress and Resilience, and the founding director of the UCLA Brain Gut Microbiome Center at the University of California at Los Angeles. His research has been supported by the National Institutes of Health for the past twenty-five years, and he is considered a pioneer and world leader in the area of brain-gut microbiome interactions and its clinical implications.⁣

This episode is brought to you by Joovv, ButcherBox, and TrueDark.⁣


So great to hear him talk about food deserts and how difficult or even impossible it is for so many people to eat a healthy diet. Too many programs I watch like this sneer at people for their unhealthy diets as if they are deliberately choosing to be unhealthy. The health of all people is as important to the health of our planet as the health of our microbiome is to the health of the individual.


10 years ago I accidentally discovered that going on a diet turned off my ankylosing spondylitis symptoms. Since then I’ve been working to transform my eating habits. My current diet is nearly 100% organic, high in fiber and fruits and veggies. I carefully control my calories and eat much smaller portions than ever in my life. I cut out lactose and most gluten. I’m not perfect, but I’ve been in the best control of my disease ever and I’ve reduced medications to nearly nothing.


My take aways: Diversity of microbes is key to healthy gut biome, which is key to overall health. Nurture richness & abundance of eco system. Fermented foods & a rich variety of (largely plant-based) foods support the gut biome. Time restricted or intermittent fasting is good. Making the first meal of the day around noontime and without carbs or sugar extends the ketogenic effects of the overnight fasting period.


Two of my favourites in one frame! It could not get any better! Sending regards!
-Doc from India


Watch out for emulsifiers, like soy lecithin in prepared foods. It breaks down the mucous layer that protects your intestines. Lately it is in more and more foods from breads to cookies, frozen foods like waffles.


As someone with lifelong IBS, I can tell you this works! For years I have been on the path of healing my microbiome with probiotics and eliminating inflammatory foods. I have discovered that refined sugar is a trigger for my IBS (probably due to the inflammation) and have eliminated it from my diet.


Hi from The Netherlands🇳🇱! Using primal / keto / if here to fix my gut and my damaged joints. Fight your illness with Mother Nature as your friendly army✊🏼! Thx🙏🏼


Finally a video that we don’t hear mark huff and puff or shout down the mic which is usually at a far too intimate proximity to his mouth 🎤 And he’s letting his guest finish their thoughts too for a change. And it was well edited to cut out any bad bits. Well done 👏 your videos are now watchable for more than 5 minutes 👏


I can't recommend Chlorella enough. I have an inflammatory disorder of my upper GI. I've suffered from ulcers, food intolerances/allergies, gallbladder/liver pain, too many things to list. Life has been a hellish existence for the past 5 years but I found Clorella a few months ago. I haven't been consistent with taking it but I can tell a huge difference within a couple hours of taking it. My food intolerances have dramatically improved to the point that I started eating all kinds of junk food and started getting fat. I'm now cutting the bad foods from my diet again and looking forward to the improvement without having my immune system assaulted to see how much better I feel.


Me with my friend
We do love your advice videos relating to health, mind, etcs


Wow powerful first 30 seconds introduction. Thank you, you got my attention for sure! Yes, we are in a health pandemic!!! :O


as someone suffering from IBS and Fibromyalgia, I was really hoping this video would explain what the title to fix a leaky gut...will the book go into details on how to FIX it??


Super interesting and his calm way makes it vem better 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻💖🌹


Thanks for this book, just made the Pecan Pie recipe from the book, healthy for my body and delicious !


Okay I don't hear any references on what to eat and what to avoid!


Nice one Mark. thank you and your guest


I’m from Ireland and I’ve always eaten well, exercised and still got Colon Cancer stage 4 but because it hadn’t spread to another organ just 15 out of 25 lymnodes, it’s was then classed Stage 3. Just a chance Colonoscopy because I was having endoscopy they decided to do the two. Pure luck. No symptoms and 47. I really hope you help because here we just don’t know. Post Covid is going to be bad. Missed appointments etc. stay safe everyone 🙏🇮🇪


"die-eat" on sugar and processed food


Humans have a high ph stomach for breaking down protein as well as a long small intestine and short large intestine (bad for fermentation) . Can someone please demonstrate how humans are supposed to be eating a plant based diet?


I love your channel, Dr. Hyman, but this video was too long and too technical. I'm looking forward to the abridged clip of this video that gets right to the point to help the layperson have a healthy microbiome.
