How To Compress PDF File To ZIP File Using Python GZIP And SHUTIL Modules

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The shutil in Python is a module that offers several functions to deal with operations on files and their collections. It provides the ability to copy and removal of files. In a way, it is similar to the OS Module; however, the OS Module does have functions dealing with collections of files.
GZip application is used for compression and decompression of files. It is a part of GNU project. Python's gzip module is the interface to GZip application. The gzip data compression algorithm itself is based on zlib module. The gzip module contains definition of GzipFile class along with its methods.
GZip application is used for compression and decompression of files. It is a part of GNU project. Python's gzip module is the interface to GZip application. The gzip data compression algorithm itself is based on zlib module. The gzip module contains definition of GzipFile class along with its methods.