Gilbert and George #arthistory101 #historicalart # #arthistory

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I can't separate the art from the artist for 2 main reasons 1. Art is an extension of the artist 2. I'm not giving money to people i don't like. Keep up the amazing work❤


I'm early enough to say this: I love this levelof complexity and refinement from someone who appreciates art. There are artists who make me go "yikes! no thanks!" for what they say, but I also don't think it is wise to blind myself to their work, because you don't have to like anyone to learn from them, and you don't have to let your appreciation of their work keep you from practicing critical evaluation of the artist's positions.


Roman Polanski. The Pianist is a great film but what he did to a 13 year old girl is disgusting. Not to mention the hordes of holier than thou Hollywood types who supported him. Im beyond torn about these people, they're talented but they sicken me. Guillermo Del Toro, Adrien Brody, Natalie Portman, Harrison Ford, Tilda Swinton, Emma Tompson, Meryl Streep, Peter Fonda just to name a few. How does one rationalize all that? I personally don't know.


I love and hate this discussion, because there just isn’t an answer. It’s part of being human to struggle with art vs artist, to work it out with ourselves for each instance of cognitive dissonance, and I suppose in certain circles of art philosophy that is the art.


There's a bunch of artists and other creators that i wish i could like but i can't necessarily separate the intents and morals from the work produced - if what i see if feel is overwhelmed by the ick behind it, then I'll avoid them


As a fan of Disney movies and the parks, I've had to struggle with this a lot. I know about the horrible things the company and the man has done, know the historical context and the stories. But those movies and music and media are very important to me and were a big part of my childhood. I'm still trying to grapple with it but it is an important thing to consider.


We can still learn something from the art from arts we technically do not agree or aline with. I have always been a curious person. Enjoying and wanting to understand the "mechanics" of things. So, to see a part of their "mind" expressed creatively.. and how they've come to be who they are now.. To me, it is fascinating. That doesn't always mean I "enjoy" it. I think it is more.. I enjoy trying to decipher the mechanics of this or that person. ❤


I love how some of the artists who believe their art is vilifying an aspect of society often end up drawing more attention to it because the art ends up making it beautiful.

I'm not a fan of plenty of artists, but their work is something else entirely.


oh man, such a tough question. I’ve personally landed on: if my consumption of the work furthers their ability to be terrible I shouldn’t consume it. So michael jackson, happy to consume now; harry potter, absolutely not. Not a perfect solution but it at least gets me part of the way to something i’m comfortable with


That's what makes you a great teacher.


It’s a really great question. “Can you separate an artist from their work?” — I still dont know where I stand, but do we hold others to the same standard. Inventors? We likely wouldnt stop using an innovation simply because of the morality of the creator if it was something that improved our lives…


I am learning so much from your videos, I really enjoy them! 💜


I struggle with it, but generally don't succeed in separating them. I can't enjoy work from people who expose themselves as hateful and self important


perfect example is r kelly. no one can say his music is bad. i really enjoy it a lot actually. but its impossible to separate him from his art since he literally sings about immoral and illegal things hes done that i can't condone. and so his music has become unenjoyable.


When theyre bad people ill pay for their stuff when theyre dead i.e. Tarintino. If i see a film at a thrift store or pirate it hes getting no money from me but i still get to watch Deathproof


I mean Andy Warhol made some pretty pictures but I wouldn't say that Valerie Solanas was WRONG


You continue to deliver the goods! This channel is so slept on ❤


My feeling is there are 8 billionish people on the earth and I believe in all of them but I ain't gonna cling my emotions to decent or even great art created by people who turn out to be shitty when there's plenty of great stuff made by people who dont and probably don't get as much attention either.


This gets to the concept of respect vs admiration. They are very different. My time amongst high level artists made me (perhaps) a little cynical. I start by presuming anyone who is well known is some kind of terrible person so I'm not disappointed later. I can respect and even enjoy the work but it doesn't equate to admiring the person.


Nobody wants to separate the art from the artist until they still want to support some dude who is a child rapist or something. We as a society and culture don’t ever separate the art from the artist. That’s why we have things like art history, Christie’s auctions, and Grammy awards…
