Discord Has Been A Buggy Mess For MONTHS

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While not a huge issue, only "Verified" games and applications show up in the PC discord app. To get custom ones to show up you have to manually click ANYTHING that is currently detected, and it will automatically realize it's mistake and update. "probably youtube" is what i call my google chrome application.

I have a Discord too! Just ask for an invite if you want to join!

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I love how the cursor really conveys your frustration


I guess discord is a fan of Novas new augment


it's hard to watch without better discord


Notice how Discord clearly detects multiple applications but once i pick any and it realizes it's stupid and shows what i am doing, most of the other options vanish like magic. It's been this way since October and for some reason it's still not fixed. While my discord isn't huge or anything i would prefer people not bug me thinking i am not doing anything when in fact i am playing a game or using an application.

This is Digital Extremes levels of procrastination imo. Also if anyone has any possible fixes maybe that would be great.


IDK, I have no issues on my end. It's updated an all. The only thing that bothers me is that audio customization for audio geeks barely makes ANY difference but that has been there from the start.

Not a fanboy, I'm not a fan of anything but Liverpool FC so no bias.


I'm sorry but IMHO Discord always was shit and had sub-par VOIP quality over Teamspeak. Every time I watch a youtuber/streamer or streamer that uses Discord I can instantly hear the typical low-quality hickups, that come up every 20 seconds.
I tried to like Discord, but it fails at something that is essential.
