Discord Has Been A Buggy Mess For MONTHS
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While not a huge issue, only "Verified" games and applications show up in the PC discord app. To get custom ones to show up you have to manually click ANYTHING that is currently detected, and it will automatically realize it's mistake and update. "probably youtube" is what i call my google chrome application.
I have a Discord too! Just ask for an invite if you want to join!
The Dark Side Has Muffins (°∀°) Warframe Profile: superbot34
Please keep in mind, only DONATORS of my channel can add me as a friend! Please ask about DarthReach if you want to know how to donate.
People Who Have Generously Donated Items To Me:
➤LSDbaitedConfirmed (IGN)➤GalacticArtie (IGN)➤Mrniko95 (IGN)➤Niklas Drago➤KhorCS (IGN)➤BDAlienBear-TeamBear
Donator Vandal
➤XstarsoldierX (IGN)➤MrWarframeGuy
Donator Prime
➤_Kishou_ (IGN)➤WireED (IGN)➤-Amaryl- (IGN)➤Timythedarkside (IGN)➤HadesgamingPL (IGN)➤Dahx11 (IGN)➤DameArstor (IGN)➤Mixolli (IGN)➤DustySpirit (IGN)➤iM_iLtis (IGN)➤LennyTheLennyFace (IGN)➤Dzecar (IGN)➤Tommy2341a (IGN)➤DynamiteXD➤SwoobatFanatic (IGN)➤1N33DM0N3Y (IGN)➤kerenskylegacy (IGN)➤MrMako183 (IGN)➤Fionntan (IGN)➤xS0nico (IGN)➤korndolorous (IGN)➤KyberKat (IGN)➤Roller (IGN)➤Yiusah (IGN)➤Common_fruit➤Inquizitor (IGN)➤---SO---Crystallyser (IGN)➤imperatum (IGN)➤TheBaconMakinCreeper (IGN)➤tonimacaroni (IGN)➤DrDippy (IGN)➤Caliboom (IGN)➤Darth-Bulge (IGN)➤Boomsledge (IGN)➤DaDARKPass (IGN)
I have a Discord too! Just ask for an invite if you want to join!
The Dark Side Has Muffins (°∀°) Warframe Profile: superbot34
Please keep in mind, only DONATORS of my channel can add me as a friend! Please ask about DarthReach if you want to know how to donate.
People Who Have Generously Donated Items To Me:
➤LSDbaitedConfirmed (IGN)➤GalacticArtie (IGN)➤Mrniko95 (IGN)➤Niklas Drago➤KhorCS (IGN)➤BDAlienBear-TeamBear
Donator Vandal
➤XstarsoldierX (IGN)➤MrWarframeGuy
Donator Prime
➤_Kishou_ (IGN)➤WireED (IGN)➤-Amaryl- (IGN)➤Timythedarkside (IGN)➤HadesgamingPL (IGN)➤Dahx11 (IGN)➤DameArstor (IGN)➤Mixolli (IGN)➤DustySpirit (IGN)➤iM_iLtis (IGN)➤LennyTheLennyFace (IGN)➤Dzecar (IGN)➤Tommy2341a (IGN)➤DynamiteXD➤SwoobatFanatic (IGN)➤1N33DM0N3Y (IGN)➤kerenskylegacy (IGN)➤MrMako183 (IGN)➤Fionntan (IGN)➤xS0nico (IGN)➤korndolorous (IGN)➤KyberKat (IGN)➤Roller (IGN)➤Yiusah (IGN)➤Common_fruit➤Inquizitor (IGN)➤---SO---Crystallyser (IGN)➤imperatum (IGN)➤TheBaconMakinCreeper (IGN)➤tonimacaroni (IGN)➤DrDippy (IGN)➤Caliboom (IGN)➤Darth-Bulge (IGN)➤Boomsledge (IGN)➤DaDARKPass (IGN)