Destroyed For Lack of Knowledge | Shabbat Night Live

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Why don't we see miracles today?
In Yeshua’s time, the average believer lived with miracles every day. Today, we don’t see these things. What are we missing? Michael Rood explains why and how we must repent and come back to the knowledge of the one true God revealed in his instructions — rightly dividing the truth of his Torah.

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We are new to the channel pray for my family and I thank you so much!


Joseph line were blessed A Great nation and a Company of Nations. Its came to pass! God will again bless His people!


I have truly experienced the presence of Christ. I was healed of a three year affliction that doctors could not figure out. The baptism of Jesus with the Holy Spirit is inexplicable and unforgettable. Glory to our God and Savior forever. His healing was secondary to my asking if I have His salvation. A powerful demonstration of His mercy and love.


Thank you. Saw you in Denver long ago and you still speak Truth from TRUTH.


Thank you Rood Crew. You are all doing an amazing job and allowing Michael to get the rest and time he needs. What a blessing to know YEHOVAH is in total control.
When Michael is back it will be absolutely awesome. We can wait 🙏🌹♥️


Michael Rood and Michael Heiser two of my favs 🙂 but Heiser talks more Hebrew which brings the Word yet more to light


My friends in Yeshua... Tonight we have heard a prerecorded message, in which Michael Rood spoke of his desire to see REAL miracles, produced by the Living God Yehovah.
As such, as a younger man, he was willing to go to Vietnam just to see this happen! To risk life and limb, to be present before the Creator and see His Spirit move over the dead, to see them raised to life again!

At the time our nation was mired in the Coronavirus epidemic, Michael Rood suffered a bad stroke. He has since then, been hindered from speaking to us, as you see him tonight in this video...
Yes he is attempting to heal from his stroke. But, will he ever be as we see him now, ever again?

I say this to all... Can we pray for a miracle by Yehovah, to heal Michael Rood, so that he may once again, be our own "Shofar from the Mountain top!?"

Michael Rood has not only presented the Gospel message. But he has done so, attempting to offer us the TRUTH of scripture and the intent of our Creator, to have the Truth, and to 'love the Truth.'

I can speak for myself, (and I'm sure many would agree), that Michael Rood's own ministry and his own unique way of presenting the scriptures, has freed me from the trappings and confusing ways of man's religion, stripping away the lies and traditions in nothing, to present the Truth of the Gospel that leaves me free, and hungry for still yet more!

May Michael Rood once again, sound off in his special way, to present to all of us the Word of Yehovah, and the Gospel of Yeshua Messiah. May he be indeed, "Healed, " from his stroke and physical defects associated with it.

I think Satan has attempted to silence Michael Rood, with this stroke... I pray, and hope you do to, that Satan fail in this effort, and that we all once again, hear Michael's words of wisdom and sincere heart, just for a while more.

As we see darkness taking hold of our country and the world, and the 'atheistic, godless evil, ' swallowing everything, we need some good. We need to hear that voice...


"You can never get enough of that which you love" TRUTH


I love how you guys give Ron Wyatt his due. Some of the biggest preachers/deceivers try to shove his work under the rug...including the one who built a $60 million ark theme park!! Let the evidence speak for itself!! And praise God Michael Rood loves the truth. Mary Nell relates that Ron was terribly persecuted for his work, as are most who shine a light in a dark world. Thank you and your ministry for perpetuating truth. I never would have come to Him if I hadn't seen Sodom and Gomorrah. The Red Sea crossing. Mount Sinai. Noah's big boat. I believe it all because the Lord turned my heart of stone to flesh, just as He promised to do. I didn't even understand what happened when it happened. All I knew was that I had to start buying bibles and shipping them to my wife's native Philippines, and I stopped being profane (mouth of a sailor). Praise God for all things, and I thank Him for His grace, love, sacrifice, blood, suffering, perfection, Word, and truth.


lord is baal. his name is YAHWEH.PRAISE HIS NAME.


04:44 the commandments were given at horeb first but when moses came down and saw they built and worshiped the golden calf he threw them down and broke the first set, thats when fire came down at sinai and the commandments had to be given again and the Sacrificial law of moses was given and added because of their transgression at horeb.


lips of a priest should preserve knowledge


Can I ask a question? Why do they say that white people are not part of the lost ten tribes of Israel. They say the blacks are. I don’t understand. I believe in Jesus and want to attend the Synagogue and get out of the Sunday Churches.


Being destroyed for lack of knowledge that is murder


Doesn’t the Shabbat bread have no leaven? Isn’t the Challah bread have leaven?


When YESHUA broke the bread wasn't the bread unleavened bread? No yeast?


U guys do realize (at least my version KJV bible) when a word is added that wasn't there, it's written in italics, so the reader knows that was not part of the original scripture, but was added to give the reader a feel of direction, in translation, how the language was used at that time to communicate said message. These additions are not manipulative, the reader is let known this so...


Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

YHVH as a loving Heavenly Father, Desired and was speaking to Israel, to be His Prophets to he world, to be His Royal Priesthood.

Revelation 19:10 says, paraphrasing here - "for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy".

The Doing or the Shema, Deuteronomy 6: 4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.

 A modern yet same way, in reviving the already written word Torah and Yeshua IS, speaking it so its POWER can prepare a human ready to meet him.

Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek


What ? You don't see miracles on a daily bases ? Humm Go figure
How about the fact that you even exist, have a opportunity for eternal life of bliss and you can take the next breath for starts. Draw back the vail and quit taking your awareness of life for granted . Are we UNAWARE of the miracle of life it self ? Have we no idea of the intricacy of and interactions of the physical anatomy? Have we NO AWARENESS of the indwelling spirit in the physical temple we have been given ?
