UK Snow Vlog - Snow - Snowfall in London - snowfall vlog - london Snowfall - Best 1

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UK Snow Vlog - Snow - Snowfall in London - snowfall vlog - London Snowfall - Best 1
I heard that there would be snowing in England very soon. I checked the weather apps and saw the snow forecast. One day I woke up and noticed a bright outside. I have an expectation about snow and shout like a child, 'The wait is over! It's finally snowing!'
I can't wait to get out, feel and play. But, of course, the snowing moment is a favourite for everyone.
I wish I could say, "The snow ledge in the doorway was above the knee on Monday: no way of leaving the house except digging from the inside out. Up and down the block, in drifts, cars were buried. Someone had cut a canyon through a roof-high snow pile partially made of shovelings from the curb to the driver's side entrances."
So, It was not heavy, but it was more than enough to have fun with a gift from above. I opened my door and saw lots of kids playing with snow. Their colourful sledges and snow skating board made a rainbow. The snow marched (lol..) in the UK's street. It happened f the first time this year, and it was a sunny morning, so many people from Great Britain and Northern Ireland also observed from their window. Audits, youth, children and babies saw the activity full of excitement. In the middle of the pandemic, a peaceful country became a crowd with excitement and an adventurous mood.
We drive to Greenwich Park in London. Many people are busy with different outdoor activities. Many YouTubers and vloggers are engaged to capture the snowing moments. However, we noticed that the Birds were in hibernation.
During this snowing, I encountered unexpected things too. I saw a giant snowman and tried to capture a video. Unfortunately, I saw not a snowman but a gentleman reading a book.
Some people love to read a book in cold weather too. Similarly, a teenager loves to do adventure by riding a bike.
The unique feeling
we have on a bike is the freedom
we feel wherever
we are or wherever we are going.
After two days of snow excitement, we are back to our routine with bright sunshine. And snow melted, but the short and sweet memories of snow printed in our hearts!
#ukvlogs #uksnowvlog #snowfall #snowfallinuk
#snowfallvlogs #snowflakes
I heard that there would be snowing in England very soon. I checked the weather apps and saw the snow forecast. One day I woke up and noticed a bright outside. I have an expectation about snow and shout like a child, 'The wait is over! It's finally snowing!'
I can't wait to get out, feel and play. But, of course, the snowing moment is a favourite for everyone.
I wish I could say, "The snow ledge in the doorway was above the knee on Monday: no way of leaving the house except digging from the inside out. Up and down the block, in drifts, cars were buried. Someone had cut a canyon through a roof-high snow pile partially made of shovelings from the curb to the driver's side entrances."
So, It was not heavy, but it was more than enough to have fun with a gift from above. I opened my door and saw lots of kids playing with snow. Their colourful sledges and snow skating board made a rainbow. The snow marched (lol..) in the UK's street. It happened f the first time this year, and it was a sunny morning, so many people from Great Britain and Northern Ireland also observed from their window. Audits, youth, children and babies saw the activity full of excitement. In the middle of the pandemic, a peaceful country became a crowd with excitement and an adventurous mood.
We drive to Greenwich Park in London. Many people are busy with different outdoor activities. Many YouTubers and vloggers are engaged to capture the snowing moments. However, we noticed that the Birds were in hibernation.
During this snowing, I encountered unexpected things too. I saw a giant snowman and tried to capture a video. Unfortunately, I saw not a snowman but a gentleman reading a book.
Some people love to read a book in cold weather too. Similarly, a teenager loves to do adventure by riding a bike.
The unique feeling
we have on a bike is the freedom
we feel wherever
we are or wherever we are going.
After two days of snow excitement, we are back to our routine with bright sunshine. And snow melted, but the short and sweet memories of snow printed in our hearts!
#ukvlogs #uksnowvlog #snowfall #snowfallinuk
#snowfallvlogs #snowflakes