Baltimore police officer opens home, heart in adoptions (WBALTV 11)

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Source: WBALTV / Jennifer Franciotti

A Baltimore City police officer answered a couple of unusual calls for help, and in doing so, he has added two new members to his family.

"To serve and protect" is the oath of every police officer, and for Baltimore City police Sgt. Jason Garber, it's the way he lives his life on and off duty. Garber and his wife, Theresa, are getting ready to adopt 4-month-old Jordan, who's healthy and thriving now, but that wasn't the case when he was born.

"He had drugs in his system and methadone," Jason Garber said.

Jason Garber is a 16-year veteran of the force, and before Jordan was born, he was approached by a man he mentors in east Baltimore about a baby who was going to need help.

"When the baby came about, they knew they were not going to be able to keep him, and through the family, we talked and they asked if I would be interested in taking him," Jason Garber said.

For the Garbers, it was an easy decision because they had already adopted a child once before. It's how their first son, Brian, now 11, came into their lives after they found out they couldn't have children of their own. When they brought Brian home, he was just days old after having been born with drugs in his system, too.

"Both of these boys are just a blessing to us, and they just bring us great joy and we thank God for them every day," Theresa Garber said.

"As adults, we make our decisions and we make our mistakes. These children don't have a choice, so we have to be there to try protect them," Jason Garber said.

The Garbers are hoping Jordan's adoption will be finalized by the end of the year, and that's just fine with Brian.

"It's awesome that I finally have someone to play with finally instead of going over to my neighbors' house and asking them to play," said Brian, who loves having a little brother.

"He wants as many siblings as he can have, and we wouldn't mind a houseful either. We just love the kids," Theresa Garber said.

"I need a daughter. They have me wrapped (around their fingers). I'm in trouble." Jason Garber said.

"Yes, yes, he would be in trouble," Theresa Garber said.
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