Who are the Best Offlane Heroes in 7.35d Meta Dota Patch?

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Here are the best Position 3 Offlane heroes to play in Dota 2 for Patch 7.35d

Patch 7.35d welcomes some of the same old crew as before and some straight-up counters to safelane carries we have been seeing in Dota 2. Heroes like Doom and Centaur Warrunner are still popular staples for most line-ups as they achieve both the goals of bullying their lanes while also being able to set tempo into the mid-game with fights and initiation. However, heroes like Slardar are becoming key to help shut down a lot of melee safelaners we've been seeing that power through a lot of other initiating abilities with Black King Bar or, for example, Lifestealer's Rage. All that said, we can see how winning the lane and taking that momentum is key for an offlaner who can both farm or regularly gank to keep pressure up, map control established and push that lead to farm hard.

0:00 Hero Builds Update
0:17 Razor
1:39 Centaur Warrunner
3:14 Doom
5:29 Kunkka
6:48 Slardar
8:33 Windranger
10:11 Magnus
12:23 Growing Trend - Brewmaster
14:16 Growing Trend - Omniknight

Torte de Lini is a popular Dota 2 Builds & Guides Creator. On his channel, Torte de Lini explores Dota builds, how-to guides to play heros and creates fun memes from his experiences. Before creating content, Torte de Lini worked in esports launching studios, live-streaming platforms, digital magazines, Major & Minor events and leagues for Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, PUBG, Street Fighter, League of Legends as well as experience working with world championship teams in Counter-Strike and Dota 2. For over 10 years, Torte de Lini's in-game Dota 2 builds have been trusted by some of the best players, OpenAI projects and Dota community. Over 3 billion matches are played using Torte de Lini's guides and continue to be regularly updated and trusted to this day. Here's to another 10 years of Dota and good luck in your matches!

#TierList #DOTA2 #TorteDeLini
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Please, please keep making more of these videos! Your perspective and knack for explaining concepts in such a digestible manner are gold🥇


Hey man, just started playing Dota2 after 10 years of League. Just wanna thank you for all the build guides i can find from you ingame. I always choose your builds, your item descriptions are helping me alot.


super cinematic background gameplay bro, great list too


I eagerly anticipate each new upload and can't wait to see what you'll tackle next.
You've definitely gained a loyal fan here. Keep up the fantastic work


Just had a Sky 3 get a triple rampage against me yesterday. His q and bloodstone gave him so much lifesteal it was crazy. Had 87% physical and 83% magical resistance at the end of that fight.


Finally after all these years i find u bro im such a fan of u much love keep doing the great job 💐♥️👍


I know you probably don’t read the comments but I think you make really good content and I have been using your builds for years. I love how you feel more confident to make these videos you fit a great niche for dota content. I hope you keep growing and uploading


your content is top-notch and so well-presented


Dear Torte, don't stop uploading this content, this insight is useful even for the 6k's above!


I've been using your guides for a time but why am i not subscribed??? Haha just subscribed when i immediately saw your youtube channel.


At 0:45 you mentioned that Razor's spell lifesteal talent was amplified by Sange, isn't spell lifesteal supposed to be amplified by Kaya Instead of Sange?


Torde de lini is truly a dota scientist with no equal


Wdy think about Dawnbreaker, she clears waves, has 2 powers for the lane (similar to cent), global ult, and is very tanky (plus giving sustain to her allies), I build 1 bracer, soul r, pboots, Vladimirs and then blademail into agha or aghs directly, has mixed dmg and can counter some strong ults like chrono, black hole, ravage and rp


Yeah Omni is a fun viable hero, i played em last night for first time n actually enjoyed it.


Damnn nothing about axe? He’s so strong this patch


Why is echo sabre built over deso on slardar?
