The BEST YEAR of YOUR LIFE: 25 Questions that Will Transform You and Your Life! - Matthew Kelly

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Make This Your Best Year Ever!

The BEST YEAR of YOUR LIFE: 25 Questions that Will Transform You and Your Life! - Matthew Kelly

Video Transcript:

“Our lives are a response to the questions we ask. Toward the end of each year, I like to reflect on the year that has been and the year that is to come. I plan a little and dream a lot. Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve, I exchange questions with a group of friends. The questions are designed to encourage and challenge us to make the coming year amazing.

It’s amazing how the right question can change the direction of your life, provide instant and startling insight, and allow you to see things you have never seen before.

Here are the twenty-five questions I put together to share with my friends this year. I hope they lead you to new dreams, rare discoveries, and the best year of your life… so far!

#1. When was the last time you felt fully alive?

#2. What do you believe about your past that is keeping you from your future?

#3. If you could only accomplish one thing next year what would you like it to be?

#4. What needs to be on your NOT TO DO list next year?

#5. What are you dissatisfied with at this time in your life?

#6. What do you need most from your friends next year?

#7. How do you want to feel differently one year from now than you do today?

#8. Are you serious about making this the best year of your life?

#9. Who do you want to help in powerful ways?

#10. How do you feel about the year ahead right now? Is that how you want to feel about it all next year?

#11. If you retired on December 31, what would you spend your time doing next year? What piece of that can you do even though you aren’t retiring?

#12. What ten books do you want to read next year? Make a list. Check them off one at a time.

#13. Who do you want to love more and better than ever before next year?

#14. Have you given up on some part of your life? Which part? Why?

#15 If you could vacation anywhere in the world next year, where would you go?

#16. If you gave one thing away each day for a whole year how would your life be different?

#17. What do you do that requires only 10% of you and what do you do that engages 90% of you… or more?

#18. If you knew you only had one year to live, what would you make sure you did?

#19. What is something you have to do, for if you do not, your soul will start to die?

#20. What's the one thing you could do every day next year that would make you a-better-version-of-yourself ?

#21. When were you happiest this year?

#22. What is it that you really want? Do you even know? If you don't, that's okay. But if that's the case, isn't it time you spent some time in the classroom of silence working it out.

#23. What are you proudest of as you look back on this year?

#24. What three dreams are most important to you next year?

#25. What are you pretending not to know? And why are you afraid to acknowledge it?

The right questions can change your life forever. I hope these help make next year the best year of your life!

Next year, don’t just be yourself… become the best version of yourself!”

The Best Version of Yourself and 60 Second Wisdom are registered trademarks.

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Thank you for the 25 questions. Perfect for what I want to accomplish this week. I am proudest of the fact that, as of this Friday, I will have accomplished reading the Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz.Thank you for your coaching and inspiration this year, Matthew.


Thanks for your continuing insight. #3 is for me. I will definetly need God's assistance, especially in the patience areana. I 've got a 60's muscle car that is completely dissassembled ( it's been like that for a few years) and it needs to be put back together and renewed. It will give me a lot of time to pray and reflect on my life. Thanks for jump starting me Matthew!!


Such wonderful questions to ponder and guide me in 2022.
Matthew thank you for your beautiful insight on how to have a better life changing 2022.


I think 25 questions, though great questions, are just too overwhelming for someone just trying to make it through the day, week, months ahead. Maybe just pick the top 5 questions that resonate the most to you and concentrate on what you can do to make the transformation these questions suggest for you. Sometimes less, is more. Just my thought but I love all the Dynamic Catholic information available and have ordered may of your books. And, I just became an ambassador to help spread the good news!! Love the interviews!!


Absolutely loved the thought-provoking questions that will help me resolve my commitments for my future. Thank you, Matthew, because with this insight, I can better hold myself accountable. God Bless your New Year. 🙏❤️🕊


These 25 questions are all so great. I would like to do all of them. I'm not sure that would be possible, but I may just give it a try.


Such soul searching questions.. Matthew Kelly inspires me each day. Thank you Mr Kelly


Thank you Mr. Kelly for all that you do!


What a great philosophy to share with your friends and with all of us. It's so great for personal use, but I was also thinking how beneficial these questions would be to share with my Ladies Guild group - also individually and collectively. You are a big reason I have successfully navigated my first year without my husband. Thank you for your wonderful counsel. Also, thank you for the GREAT Christmas card!! I beam everything I see your children jumping! God bless you and your family, all the Dynamic Catholic community, and Happy New Year.


Thank you for your inspiration, Matthew. I really enjoyed answering these questions last week as I planned for an amazing 2022.


Merry Christmas Matthew Kelly and family 🎄🙏🏼❤️These are amazing questions to ponder on 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Thank you so much for this video. I usually go through a simular process but your list hit many things I hadn't thought about. I'm sharing with others. Have a great 2022!


These are wonderful and though provoking questions. My birthday is shortly after the first of the year. This makes all these reflective questions more poignant to me every year. Thank you.


Matthew…when you have these great lists is there a way to attach a printable version of them for us to reflect on.? It’s hard to grasp them all when you say them. And I just want to say I am a huge fan and you have changed my spiritual life for the better. Thank you.


Is there a way I can print these questions?


@Matthew Kelly I was thinking how my 11 yo granddaughter loves to pose "if you could" and "what is your biggest ___" and "would you rather" questions to me. I could modify your questions for her [leave some out] and pose back to get a conversation going..but could you suggest some appropriate to her age and stage as well?


I had better get moving on these questions.
