The vocal chops here give the song a lot more depth! This is so catchy that this is going to be stuck in my head for weeks
0:59 We should really talk more about how simple yet amazing those chords are in the drops, those changes are out of this world...
This is the one. It's reminiscent of the earlier songs like Moneko, Shaii and Nana. Out of all three just released this is the one that had me crawling in my skin with goosebumps. Well done!!!
*Wow 3 songs in the same day that emotion. Apparently the good news was known or it will be coincidence but hey Geoxor Thank you for making us happy every moment with your music <3*
When that 1:17 part hits it's just godlike
This reminds me so much of when I used to play videogames while listening to your songs over and over. It feels so nostalgic ! thank you for your music
I really like the intro of the song (sorry idk proper music terminology) for some reason. Of course, I love the rest it just as much, but it does stand out to me. As well as the piano later at 1:47, it's so beautiful and makes for a nice change of pace.
Anyway yes, can't decide my fav out of the new 3. Consistent excellence!
Everytime you release a song all my sorrows vanish for am few moments, wonderful we share the same world <3
As usual... An exceptional upload catches me off-guard when i turn my phone on after school to check for messages.
But a triple upload??? HECK YEAH
But my new favourite? OFC KEEP IT UP MAN THIS IS FIRE
At this point, i think geoxor is the best artist i have ever heard.
This is like a Nana + Galaxy + Ephemeral combo. My ears are bleeding because of the damn too good music
PS: dunno why, I just thought what would be a Geoxor & Teminite Collab.Hmm 🤔
I absolutely love the piano parts of this song! At this rate Geoxor is one of my top favorite artists this year!
I love you Geoxar and love your music you are my favorite artist !! <3
I think your music has become so distinctive to me that I can tell that it’s your music just by listening
He is the lord of Music, i love it so much
The little piano section is pretty! Also WOAH! The beat drop is SICCCK!!
This is definitely my favourite of the three 💗💗
This is a comment I got at a renaissance festival this month gonna pass on the positive energy. “Nice staff bro” - a cool dude from ren fest
idk why i never subscribed i always liked your music :)
Такой чистый звук, и складно звучит (больше всего мне в твоих треках нравятся басы и фортепианные звуки)
Ну снова, ещë одна мелодия в закачки:)