Blue Light of Blues Music quantum biology consciousness proven by anesthetic research Hameroff et al

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Aspects of Non-commutative Geometry: Deformation Quantum Mechanics
Non-Commutative Worlds and Classical Constraints
This paper reviews results about discrete physics and non-commutative worlds and explores further the structure and consequences of constraints linking classical calculus and discrete calculus formulated via commutators. In particular, we review how the formalism of generalized non-commutative electromagnetism follows from a first order constraint and how, via the Kilmister equation, relationships with general relativity follow from a second order constraint. It is remarkable that a second order constraint, based on interlacing the commutative and non-commutative worlds, leads to an equivalent tensor equation at the pole of geodesic coordinates for general relativity.
Louis Kauffman

So you see here what is missing for the normal spectrum of each anesthetic. ... You can see the 613 Terahertz Peak (blue light region) ... In other words ALL the anesthetics abolish the 613 Terahertz Peak, but the Non-anesthetics which are binding in the same place DO NOT, therefore this 613 Terahertz Peak must be important for consciousness and it goes away for anesthesia. ..So basically the anesthetics take it away and the non-aesthetics do not...Anesthetic action on consciousness correlates with dampening of the terahertz oscillations in tubulin, subunit of microtubules.

We think there is this kind of hierarchical frequency cascade which to me is more like MUSIC than computation with interference beats occurring at various frequency levels. In fact in our recent paper Roger came up with the idea that interference beats may give rise to EEG.

At time = Planck's Constant [average energy of light] divided by Frequency which is the indeteriminancy Principle, there is this SELF-collapse....and this is a moment of conscious awareness.

Anesthesia, Consciousness, Bohm and Penrose

And we have a sequence of moments, "bing bing bing" for example 40 hertz or it could be much much faster along with backward time effects, which comes from Aharonov, supported by Libets experiments, of backward information, which is necessary for free will because the activity which happens when we act consciously, happens AFTER we've acted....

it's enough to move the nuclei and that gives rise to geometric or topological qubits perhaps...using Fermi length of nuclei as denominator for time=Planck's Constant/frequency

It turns out we don't need that fast - just Kilohertz [ultrasound] - and this would require more neurons (10 to the 6th) which is predicted by other models...

And then altered states...might increase the frequency [to the blue light with fewer activated neurons] and push it the other way - enhanced consciousness.

Life may be intrinsically a quantum biological effect at its root, covering quantum physics, relativity and philosophy....addressing quantum vibrations in microtubules offer therapeutic opportunities...of putting Ultrasound megahertz into the brain...


If you want a point it's a sphere of all the light rays going through it. ...thinking of it as a complex line (a complex space)...then I learned about quantum mechanics and my god Nature is based on it... it could be the Bloch Sphere if you like...the light ray space is five dimensional and if it is a complex space it is an even number. ... It's better if we think of this five dimensional space as a subsurface of a six dimensional space. This bigger space...there's a Zero of the Twistors and the one dimensional points are the subspace... not only do you get light rays but you get zero mass particles that have helicity. So the angular momentum is incorporated...which is the complex could be a graviton...that is nonlinear... and now you get a curved space...the nonlinear graviton...find a Riemann sphere,...that four dimensional space has a metric that automatically satisfies Einstein's equations....

There's a huge catch: the theory is chiral. It's not like a classical spacetime. It's like a wavefunction that is automatically left-handed...

If you know the algebra you already know the points, but that's NOT true if it's a noncommutative algebra.

Given any light ray you have a flat twistor space that is pseudo tangent to it.

You form these blisters between spacetime and when does that blister make a choice? Only when the size is on the order of one plank length...

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Hameroff is also the only scientist to specifically explain WHY psychedelics work...!! Amazing.
