Mendelssohn - Trio for piano, violin and cello No. 2 - Yuja Wang, Leonidas Kavakos, Gautier Capuçon

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Mendelssohn Trio for piano, violin, and cello No.2 in C minor

Violin: Lionidas Kavakos
Cello: Gautier Capuçon
Piano: Yuja Wang
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Wow! This is one of the most amazing performances of this, ever! I'm astounded! The interplay between the musicians and the emphasis and inflection are extraordinary!


absolutely the most heart wrenching rendition of the Mendelssohn trio, delightful and love it ! Thank you for posting it! 


This woman is beyond brilliant Yuja is from another planet


Wonderful interpretation of this magnificent Mendelssohn trio—everything is alive here, as if the music was composed today!


Delightful and utterly persuasive.  I enjoyed every moment.  I'd love to hear these three in the Tchaikovsky Trio.  But what a compelling performance here.  Thank you for sharing it with us.


I hope that they will play together again in the future. Even though they live at such distant places on earth, their togetherness is splendid.


Thank you for uploading this performance... GREAT!


chal9575 are you going to put the end on here for us? It's like having your ankles cut off not to be able to enjoy - and join - the applause. Now understand I'm grateful for what I get, and maybe there are good and several technical reasons.


I don't have a musical problem in that I've been lucky enough in my life to perform many times under world class choral conductors. My problem with that arrangement is that we don't perform enough, the classical music audience is dying off, and if a YW, Aimi K, Valentina, Umi or Emily Bear can inject new life into it they have my interest. I left music school nearly 5 decades ago with the realization that I am an amateur and my teachers were missing the musical reality about them, as you.


Indeed, I am surprised that Yuja does not steel the show at any times . I really enjoyed this well balanced trio. I also enjoyed Lang Lang interpretation although I feel some degree of commercialization that affected his performance in the last four to five years. I had the opportunity to see him 9 years ago or so perform in Forth Worth and Tyler Texas where he was much more genuine although extremely impressive with his virtuosity.


This is wonderful, save the cut ending.


It's glorious playing here - all of it. I'm an old man. Ms. Wang's playing suits me fine. I've been listening to Rach for a half century played by genius pianists - her too. I guess all those guys over at DG must be idiots. Imagine her "horrid" playing getting right past them! And doltish audiences world-wide who continue to buy tickets to hear her. C'mon.


YW is a genius is with her technical skills, and her Rach is acceptable. The same way some baseball players can be considered a genius with a bat Yuja can be thought of as a genius at the keyboard. They may lack in other aspects but they win in real life competition. I may be a musical naif whatever the hell that is but you are a pianistic snob thinking that the only route to the concert hall is via the imprimatur of a contest jury. PS. Tickets. YW at Jordan Hall, not far from Fenway Park.


A definitive performance of an epoch-making Trio in C MInor Opus 66 by Felix Mendelssohn---perhaps needs a little more weight in the pianist! I wish that I could discover what the composer had in mind with the poetic cantabile second subject.


"Real music" What is that, God's utterance through a divine one like the Mendelssohn being played? The gross of Western composers who's music is for the most part from 100 to 400 years old never envisioned that they would be elevated to sainthood or their music wouldn't be changed by every performer who took it up. How many today would love to go back in time to hear the child Mozart and yet here on YT is one Emily B who could possibly challenge is genius but you dismiss as weak. Wow.


You may be correct that some composers were objective enough to recognize that they would be elevated to the pantheon of western music saints and deities canonized by an adoring audience, but I can not for a moment think that they would any such notion as anything more than a wry joke. As a chorister and an atheist it has taken a long time for me to perform without crossing my fingers. The adage of "preaching to the choir" is also a wry joke along with the notion of sacred and profane.


I have no serious problem except that of a particular critic trying to deconstruct a very fine world class Asian pianist. Of curious nature, why does the music of Mozart and Emily Bear so easily reside while Papa Haydn's evaporates as soon as we bellow the final cords of the Creation. Why does YW stick while Perahia's Schubert fade away, and he is a damn fine pianist. Is that because I lack talent or a "proper" education? I now prefer the wonder of YT youth over proper tradition, thank you.


Just what is a legitimate response to music? Nearly all human beings except perhaps the most tone deaf respond to music, many perform, some make money at it, a few are masters, and a very few invent new stuff. Music is a phenomena that finds homes and replication in our brains. To wash it away is to me a sin even if it is low brow and crass, and yes it is personal because music, art and language makes up a large part of our personality. In part I am Yuja and dislike being needlessly dissed.


No you haven't. You don't like YW for mysterious reasons, the clearest I've heard from you is that she is a "typist." That wouldn't be so bad but for some reason you feel it your lot in life to sway opinion against YW using your reputation as a teacher, that appreciation of YW must be unlearned to progress in the musical arts. But what comes through is slander, an attempt to destroy a persons reputation with lies and innuendo. Constructive criticism is welcome but you provide the contrary.


Not quite great, like everything he wrote. What kept him back?? Anyway, influential on Brahms op. 60, and Tchaikovsky trio.
