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"Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God." These famous words were spoken by the widow Ruth, who was about to leave her land and her gods. The Story of Ruth offers vital lessons for all generations and has enjoyed almost universal acceptance by scholars and biblical critics throughout the centuries. It seems to be encapsulated by a timeless message of faith, personal sacrifice, and the deeper questions of life and human fulfillment. The name Ruth means friend or companion. The book of Ruth tells the story of the loyal love of an ancestor of David, which Jesus Christ also reminds us of God's love, Redemption, and what is important to Him. But what is it in this story that has inspired so many people over the ages? Let's take a closer look and see what we can learn from a remarkable woman for all ages. And in today's video, we will talk about the story of Ruth, the Moabite who changed Israel. Peace, beloved. I ask for everyone's help to subscribe to the channel and activate the notification bell. If you like the video, leave that like, it helps me a lot to produce more videos. Without further ado, let's get into the video. The author of the book assigns the authorship of this eighth book of the Bible to Samuel. Besides him, there are indications of the participation of Hezekiah and David, although textual evidence does not confirm this theory. If we research the subject, we see that Jewish tradition in the Talmud accepted Samuel as the author of the book of Ruth. Not only Jewish tradition, but most conservative authorities accept the prophet Samuel as the likely author of Ruth. Also, since Samuel was the one who anointed David to be king, Ruth's great-grandson, he could well have knowledge of the stories of David's ancestors. Brothers, speaking of Samuel, the last video on the channel was about the amazing story of this man. The link is here in the description. Check it out later. Continuing, historical background of the book of Ruth. One and the events in this book occur during the time of the judges in Israel, probably in the 12th century BC, perhaps fifty to a hundred years before David's birth. It was a time of great instability and problems in Israel, with everyone doing what seemed right in their own eyes. That is, the people were doing what they wanted. The setting of the book is the barley harvest in spring, hence the long association with the Pentecost festival that depicted this early harvest. Cut is one of the five scrolls of the festival, also known as Megillah. But what is Megillah? Megillah is part of the books of the Prophets, transitions of five short books from the Hebrew Bible that are Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, which form a group known as the Megillah or the five scrolls. Although there was contention, wickedness, and lawlessness in general during the time of the judges, the Story of Ruth offers insight into how God's blessings and guidance can be granted even in difficult times. As we will see, she committed her life to helping others; as a result, she was blessed by God for her faithfulness. Summary of the book of Ruth: A man from Bethlehem named Elimelech was forced to leave his home due to famine and went to live in the land of Moab with his wife Naomi and their two sons. He died, and subsequently, his sons married Moabite women, Orpah and Ruth. After ten years, the two sons also died, leaving Naomi and her two daughters-in-law as widows. Naomi heard that the famine had ended in Judea and decided to return to Bethlehem. She asked her daughters-in-law to stay in Moab and find husbands among their own people. Whew, finally decided to stay, but Ruth was determined to go with Naomi. Again, Naomi urged her to return to her people and her gods, but it seems that Naomi was faithful to God even living among the Moabite pagans, and her example of faithfulness had a direct impact on Ruth. Ruth chose to be kind and loyal to her mother-in-law and commit to her God, the true God. Then, Ruth responded to Naomi with the most famous verses of the book: "I will not leave you, nor will I abandon you; wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you rest, I will rest. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord do this to me and more if anything but death separates us." The reality that nowadays seems even unbelievable that a daughter-in-law would speak like that to a mother-in-law. The two women arrived in Bethlehem well until the early spring harvest. Cut immediately began working in the fields to support herself and her mother-in-law. The story of Ruth and Boaz and while working in the fields, she was noticed by Boaz, a wealthy landowner who was also a relative of Naomi's husband's family. Boaz was deeply impressed with this diligent and dedicated young widow who worked in his fields and presented himself to her.


Compassionate God, forgive us for our shortcomings and transgressions. Grant us the humility to acknowledge our mistakes and the grace to seek reconciliation with those we have wronged. Help us to extend the same forgiveness to others as you have shown to us.


I’m just rocked by this story. I’ve read it several times, but this time hits harder. God used an outsider from the people of Israel in the lineage of Christ. God cares about the immigrant.


Glory to Lord Jesus Christ Amen. Love from Dhaka Bangladesh.


Loving Creator, grant us a spirit of contentment, that we may find joy and satisfaction in all circumstances. Help us to cultivate gratitude for the blessings we have, rather than longing for what we lack. Fill our hearts with peace and contentment, knowing that true happiness comes from our relationship with you.


The story of Ruth leave in the mind of some of us who would leave with there mother in law, and support her also. As the speaker said GOD look on the heart of compassion, and love for others. It help me to learned more; because I hv been praying for it. Thanks for the Bible story 🙏


Thanks for this ministry, it really blesses me with one exception, kindly address God's name with capital "G" Love and blessings from Tanzania.


Wonderful representation and narrative! Thank you. I am rereading this book during the time of the barely harvest ascending unto Shavaot with the expectation of encouraging Yah as on Mount Sinai culminating in the upper room of Acts 2. Hallelujah!
Samuel is thought to have authored the Book of Ruth as it was penned during the time of the judges.


Thank you for this revelation can you just explain to me why Ruth's name and all other names are in Capital letters but Gods Name is in lower case on the subtitles?


Thank you for this but I have to say that I don't agree with you where you said that what happened to Ruth was by chance because nothing happens by chance in this world. God knows us before we were formed in the womb of our mother (see Jeremiah 1:5), the story of Ruth, God knew that it was going to happen that way to fulfill His Words and so nothing happened to her by chance. Be blessed.


The Book of Ruth was about Israelites living in Moab. See Ruth 3:1, 2


I wonder why Elimelech, being akin to Boaz, didn't go to Boaz for help instead of moving to Moab.


This is the right color of these people.


Ruth is a woman of color Israelite princess
