Remember when fresh taught lachy 90's Og days dude 😍 rushilgupta
Remember when fresh taught lachy 90's Og days dude 😍
From being taught by him to teaching him, wow.. Xtremeonytt
From being taught by him to teaching him, wow..
the amount of effort in the thumbnails for a shorts channel is so amazing like it looks like a main channel thumbnail bsdfjsbndfkj
the amount of effort in the thumbnails for a shorts channel is so amazing like it looks like a main channel thumbnail
It would have been funnier if he called him and shouted eat sh*t fresh Mystic-uwhs
It would have been funnier if he called him and shouted eat sh*t fresh
He killed fresh using the bubbly rap respect + vdcclaps
He killed fresh using the bubbly rap respect +
Lachlan got lucky with fresh not seeing him than use a god move gptmipy
Lachlan got lucky with fresh not seeing him than use a god move
I’m surprised his heart rate was only 120😂 if I was versing fresh, my heart rate would be 150🤯 frgburger
I’m surprised his heart rate was only 120😂 if I was versing fresh, my heart rate would be 150🤯
‘A student will be able to beat his master’ LewisOnQuack
‘A student will be able to beat his master’
I like how he dances when he isn't even good thatlittleghostthing
I like how he dances when he isn't even good
Fresh training Lachlan finally paid off Someone-dbsn
Fresh training Lachlan finally paid off
If you watched the video his heart rate stays low when he's fighting but when he drinks minis it goes up lol karthiksenthilkumar
If you watched the video his heart rate stays low when he's fighting but when he drinks minis it goes up lol
You and fresh should do a duos match in arena for a video official_pax
You and fresh should do a duos match in arena for a video
Lacey might have a little thing for fresh jkjk 😂 crzyshorts
Lacey might have a little thing for fresh jkjk 😂
True fans will know that this was the heart rate video when he played a tourney then did bad so he did pubs Unpendejo
True fans will know that this was the heart rate video when he played a tourney then did bad so he did pubs
Uh oh, we’ve had another POGGIES moment EKGtsunami
Uh oh, we’ve had another POGGIES moment
For a sec fresh I thought was your bro. ChatoEditsIdk
For a sec fresh I thought was your bro.
that heartrate is honestly nothing compared to geometry dash players randomguy-sizn
that heartrate is honestly nothing compared to geometry dash players
If fresh new it was him I'm sure the outcome would have been different 😂😂 thomasfrost
If fresh new it was him I'm sure the outcome would have been different 😂😂
Remember when lachy said "Whats a 90" darkenplays
Remember when lachy said "Whats a 90"
Everybody gangsta till Fresh pulls up the report screen. accuratememin
Everybody gangsta till Fresh pulls up the report screen.