COVID-19 changes everything: What's next for devices and IoT?

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The COVID-19 crisis has accelerated some trends and slowed others. In IoT, the emphasis has shifted to a more strategic approach to achieve greater resilience and transparency, while projects largely aimed at increasing operational efficiency have be put on the backburner. At the same time, the crisis has accelerated a maturation in customer organizations that makes it easier to build IoT into digital transformation strategies. In devices, especially in PCs, the 2020 surge in consumer demand will be followed, TBR believes, by market saturation, reducing revenue and driving down margins.

In this TBR webinar, Principal Analyst Ezra Gottheil and Analyst Eric Costa discuss the new division of labor in IoT customer organizations, specialized packages and bundles simplifing vendors’ go-to-market strategies, how the increased PC total addressable market will affect the near-term PC market, and more.
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