Introduction to five categories of Croatian verbs

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This video is a part of the Croatian Verbs series and is an introduction explaining the five grammatical categories of verbs:
01:25 - Person and Count
08:33 - Tenses
12:38 - Verbal Mood
15:01 - Verbal Aspect

Example sentences used in this video are as follows:

(Ja) pišem pismo.
I'm writing a letter.

(Ti) pišeš pismo.
You are writing a letter.

(On) piše pismo.
He is writing a letter.

(Mi) pišemo pismo.
We are writing a letter.

(Vi) pišete pismo.
You (plural) are writing a letter.

(Oni) pišu pismo.
They are writing a letter.

The conjugation of the verb "Pisati" in the present tense:
1. (ja) pišem - I'm writing
2. (ti) pišeš - you're writing
3. (on, ona, ono) piše - he/she/it is writing
1. (mi) pišemo - we are writing
2. (vi) pišete - you (plural) are writing
3. (oni) pišu - they are writing

Pisala sam pismo.
I was writing a letter

Ja ću pisati pismo.
I will write a letter.

Conjugation of the verb "pisati" in the future I. tense
1. ja ću pisati
2. ti ćeš pisati
3. on će pisati
1. mi ćemo pisati
2. vi ćete pisati
3. oni će pisati

I. Conditional
Napisala bih pismo kad bih imala vremena.
I would write a letter if I had time.

II. Conditional
Bila bih pisala cijelu noć da nisam morala rano ustati.
I would have written all night had I not had to get up in the morning.


1. -
2. piši
3. piši
1. pišimo
2. pišite
3. pišite

I was writing a letter. - Pisala sam pismo.

I wrote a letter. - Napisala sam pismo

pisati - imperfective
napisati - perfective

Contact us if you have any questions! Happy learning, everyone!

Рекомендации по теме

continue girl, help us, there are not that many Croatian lessons out there for self-learners. Thank you so so much


Superb and useful video! Unbelievable your clarity. Thank you. Congrats from Brazil.


Hello Ines,

Just reaching out to you to say – “hvala, hvala, hvala, hvala puno”. Your videos are the ultimate resource for learning Croatian for English native speakers. I love it how you go over every single detail for each grammar point. Please, continue making these videos the exact same way you are. When explained clearly and properly, these grammar details are actually not hard for me to understand, I just need to put in the effort, time and patience to remember them all 😊.

I am part of the “dijaspora” and many people in the “dijaspora” who have known Croatian their whole lives can be dismissive towards the efforts required to learn the language. This can be discouraging for a learner who’s a member of the “dijaspora”, because it can make them feel they’re not smart because they just cannot simply pick up the language. Even though these self-appointed Croatian language experts have never studied the language themselves or are never capable of providing explanations for why a learner may have said a word or sentence wrong ☹.

However, Croatians in the “Domovina” are far warmer towards you when you speak Croatian, even at an extremely poor level, compared to members of the “dijaspora” 😊.

Just one quick question: Do you plan on doing an individual video on each of the verb tenses in Croatian you have not yet touched?? I have already made notes from the three verb tenses videos you have already made, past–perfect, present and future I (in addition to all your other videos 😊). I think knowing all the grammar for verbs plus what you have already covered for nouns and adjectives would give a learner a solid foundation when their speaking Croatian.

P.S: I made this account just to give you an extra subscriber and like all your videos. I have never bothered to that do before with any youtube channels and videos 😊


Your channel is absolutely the best, it's the only one I can watch from start to finish and stay focused. I have been trying to learn croatian for years, I have bought books and online lessons, yet the difficulty of the language and the low quality of the material keeps me from advancing much. You, on the other hand, are an excellent teacher!!! Please don't stop making videos, you're amazing at this! Much love from Brazil <3


These videos are so great! Thank you so much!


Thank you for every video and please keep it up!!!


Hello and thank you very much for these awesomely in-depth videos!

Is there a way that we can support your efforts via PayPal or something similar?

Thanks and I'm looking forward to the next video!


OMG! I finaly understood de aspect perfective and imperfective. For years I was trying to understand this in Russian. You explained in a very simple way. Now I can go on also in Russian. Hvala puno, Ines!


Thanks for this as always Ines. I was curious about the perfective and imperfective verbs - specifically with a verb like pisati which has two endings that I've found (Zapisati and Napisiti) Can you explain?


Feels good to send 100th like to this video.


Bok Ines! Thanks for this video! Sad padeži su laki zbog glagola na hrvatskom🤣🤣Imam pitanje… Koja je razlika sa vidjeti i gledati? Zbunjuju me


Zdravo Ines! Interesting video. Imam pitanje. When you tell someone to sleep, which is “spavaj, ” is that the imperative verb mood?


I have a question, can perfective verbs exist in the present tense with present meaning? Give me examples. If razumljevati is the imperfect of razumieti, how come "I understand" is razumiem and not razumljievam? When is razumljievam used?


The translation app is okay but it's hard to understand the pronunciation. I love to learn more from this channel


It was very helpful video just a note in some region aorist is common.


Thank you got your videos, very helpful. I wanted to ask if you know of any videos or online resources aimed to teaching kids ( ages 6 ) Croatian ? Thank you so much 😊


Ćao Ines! Nadam se da si dobro! I love your content! Keep it up this way! . I was wondering if you could help me out with a doubt I have, it's about the possesive pronouns. Which is the difference between the pronouns "njegov/njezin/njihov" and "svoj". I have been struggling for months, I don't know when to use "njegov/njezin/njihov" and when to use "svoj". I'm currently taking a croatian online course but I haven't reach to that part yet! It would be quite useful if you make a video explaining the possesive pronouns in detail! Regards!


Jako zanimljiv video, hvala na njemu! Malo mi nedostaju muški oblici perfekta. Ako, naime, gledam iz perspektive nekoga, tko uči hrvatski, on će dobiti uvid u ženski perfekt (pisala sam, pisala si, pisala je), a neće čuti da i muški oblik (pisao sam) prolazi isti perfekt. Isto tako bi bilo zgodno, objasniti, kako se tvori perfekt, tj. da se nastavak infinitiva, u slučaju glagola pisati "-ti" zamjenjuje nastavkom perfekta, koji je određen spolom osobe, koja govori. Umjesto nastavka ti u slučaju ženske osobe stavljamo "-la" i dobijemo "pisala", a u slučaju muške osobe stavljamo "-o" i dobijemo "pisao". To je nama, koji govorimo hrvatski, jasno, ali za nekoga, tko tek uči, to je važan i ponekad zbunjujući detalj (u engleskom ili u njemačkom primjerice nemam šanse da po obliku glagola u perfektu otkrijem dali je subjekt muška ili ženska osoba), koji mi u ovom videu nažalost malo nedostaje. Ali to nipošto ne umanjuje vrijednost ovog videa, jer ako usvojim ono, što mi ovaj video govori, već ću moći tako govoriti hrvatski da me ljudi razumiju (iako bi zvučalo malo čudno da ja kao muškarac kažem "pisala sam pismo"). Ali svakako hvala na ogromnom trudu i na mnogim detaljima, koji itekako pomažu u ispravnom učenju jezika!


You should have said “wrote a BOOK, not a letter because it’s confusing since write/Posen and letter/piano both start with PIS and different endings, then you put some words in white in your word for letter is in white what you change the word that stands to write in red so we think the white goes with white and not the red. Also the font-the a and the o looks the same-hard to differentiate.


Piśem - nvisem or dınıvisem
Sutra - sibê
vidjeti - dîtin
ovo je crveno - eva sor e (like eve je cor)
ići - bići (russian idi)
Žena - jin(žin)
ujakova kći-keça mamê
