'This is going to be a long war'-- Historian Gadi Taub

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Gadi Taub is an Israeli historian, author, and commentator known for his work in political and cultural criticism. He holds a Ph.D. in American Studies from Rutgers University and is a faculty member at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he teaches in the School of Public Policy and the Department of Communications and Journalism.

He has written several books, both fiction and non-fiction, exploring themes of Israeli identity, politics, and culture. Notable titles include "The Settlers and the Struggle over the Meaning of Zionism" and "The Valley of the Cross," a novel.

Taub is a prominent voice in Israeli media, known for his critical views on various aspects of Israeli society and politics. He has written extensively on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the role of religion in Israeli politics, and the country's democratic challenges. Besides his academic work, Taub is a frequent contributor to newspapers, magazines, and television programs in Israel, providing analysis and commentary on current events and political developments.

He is known for his outspoken and sometimes controversial opinions. He has been critical of the Israeli left, the settlement movement, and certain aspects of liberalism, often sparking debate and discussion within Israeli society and beyond.

This interview was conducted by Pamela Paresky.


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I'm an Israeli. Before 7/10 I used to dismiss all the conservative warnings (I took them as hysterical) but I had to update my views after the facts.


This is not a regional conflict, after Saturday comes Sunday


I am Israeli and I agree with what Gadi said. He is right.


This American progressive agrees with Gadi Taub 100 percent.


American appeasement of IRan is a true, tragic scandal.


This guy sounds more like a war monger than a historian.


Gadi Taub is one of the best analysts of the dilemma. His Tuesday discussions on Israel Update channel with Michael Doran are the best. (on YT)


I just came across this. Gadi Taub is prescient and accurate.


As an American, the thing that Israelis don't understand about America is that American government action is driven by a confluence of two things. Whereas the Soviets act in their own interest, propping up client regimes like Nasser who do their bidding and give them trade rights, American politicians act at the intersection between national interests and the public's reactions to events. In other words, Israel does not align with American interests, since it is just a tiny state in the middle east with no natural resource wealth. What American politicians want (and have always wanted) is for Israelis to be seen suffering, so that they might swoop in and save them. That is why American politicians opposed a first strike in the 1967 war, nearly killing Eshkol and Rabin as they panicked about Israel being destroyed. That is why Americans cut off arms sales until the Yom Kippur war, at which point they gave Israel weapons for free. American politicians will always protect Israel after it has been attacked, to a point. When Israelis start winning, they will tell Israel to stop, so they can save them again at a later date. We are not your ally, like the Soviet Union was Nasser's. You are our damsel in distress.


How many 2 states can we survive. Jordan is on Israeli land the PA is on Israeli land Gaza is on Israeli land did that bring peace. You can't have peace with someone who wants you gone


The hubris of these "chosen ones” is off the charts


And i hear Egypt has been arming themselves and are one of the largest buyers of weapons right now in the world. I wonder why?!


Israel always thinks of itself as being 'in mortal danger', and that is a big part of the problem. That, and a supremacist mindset and a complete inability to recognise that enforcing apartheid is simply wrong and has consequences.


All the weapon and a lot of men came from the tunnels from the Egyptian border


If Israel stops listening to the US, it would speed things up.


This war and the coming ones are because of your apartheid regime. You had the brains and knowledge to make it right. History shows a pattern regarding apartheid regimes. You can not justify apartheid in any way.


I always thought giving up the Sinai Peninsula was a huge mistake. Imagine what Israel could have done with all that territory?


In his masterful speech to a Joint Session Of Congress yesterday, Mr. Netanyahu laid out Israel's strategic situation perfectly. He provided a crystal clear picture of how the war started, how Israel will finish the war, and a plan for the future security and flourishing of the entire Middle East. He placed the blame for the war squarely where it belongs, on Iran. He made it clear that the war is against barbarism, and he warned that if Israel were to lose this existential war, the next target of the Islamists will be the United States.

Israel should thank God that it has Bibi Netanyahu as its leader right now. He is strong enough and smart enough to juggle the myriad sources of disunity, both domestic and international, in order for Israel and the world to win.

As an American Gentile Zionist I say, no ceasefire until Hamas, Hezbollah, the Islamic Brotherhood, and Islamic Jihad are all destroyed in Gaza, southern Lebanon, and the Golan. I believe that the best American friend Israel has ever had, going back to President Truman in 1948, Donald Trump, must be reelected in November, and the Likud coalition under Mr. Netanyahu's leadership must retain power for Israel to once again have security and prosperity for the future. Only then can Bibi's vision for a general and genuine peace in the Middle East through the Abraham Alliance go forward. Israel's friendly Arab neighbors have remained resolutely silent about the Palestinian issue throughout this war. Because of Iran, they can't say publicly what they are praying for privately, Israel's victory over all of Iran's proxies in the region. I pray for Israel's success. It is the key to the future of the Middle East.


I'm an American.This was a brilliant conversation/ synopsis of where we are at.. We must pray for a Trump victory. I have my reservations about him, but a Cacklin' Kamala administration would be a disaster for American and for Israel.


It's clear the oppressor is loosing
