UATV Q&A: Why Ukrainian Victory is the Victory for the entire West?

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UATV Editorial answers your questions in the new Q&A format. Our presenter Henry Keen keeps the feedback going!
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Thank you for your report Henry👍. Slava Ukraine🇺🇦💪🇺🇦💯%🇺🇦


We're with you, 100%, Henry Keene! Most thinking people realize why a criminal network threatening humankind must be defeated. We agree. The unthinking people don't understand the basics, so they're beyond rational persuasion. The good news is that the unthinking people are a minority. Thanks for your many good efforts to "explain complex things in simple terms." Slava Ukraini, Slava heroyam!


I AM VERY HAPPY YOU USED MY QUESTION! I am sincere in my desire for the USA to be educated about this because too many people over here do not understand. I am a teacher and I do all I can but Americans need to listen to this channel . I have always seen the importance of supporting Ukraine - a world where Russia wins is a world not worth living in.

The more weapons we send the more lives we save. Ukraine WILL WIN with or without global support - it is their homeland after all - but we have to help them win as soon as possible!

Slava Ukraini!


Keep up your courage, relentlessness and cautiousness Ukraine. Stay strong and resilient - you will prevail!!! 🇺🇦💙💛🇺🇦


Excellent format & content; looking forward to Summer in Crimea! 🎗🏖


Slava Ukraine, Heroyam Slava. Victory is the answer to invasion.


Glory to Ukraine. God bless. From USA.


Fantastic!!! I'm American, originally from Houston, TX a 4th generation Texan. I moved to Colorado 26 years ago (Boulder County). I see absolutely ZERO support for Ukraine in Texas. I haven't been able to figure out why. I do see much support here in Colorado though.
I watched Joe Lindlesy's channel. He's an American journalist who has lived in Ukraine since Covid.
Joe says pretty same thing that Americans need to stop putting their heads in the sand. There's a difference between freedom and the Illusion of security, which is what some Americans are living in.
I'm so disappointed in friends and family back home in Texas. I don't even see Texas as the same place I grew up in, it's a foriegn planet to me now.... MANY Texans LOVE Trump 😳, it's a very Red state. I just don't get it and I'm grateful to live here in Colorado now.
I stand with Ukraine now and always.
I will continue to try to open the eyes of those who don't want to know what's going on.
Slava Ukraine! Glory to the heroes OF THE WORLD! Much love and respect for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine who are the ones paying the highest price for freedom everywhere. God bless you all.
🇺🇦💙💛💪💪💪💗 from 🇺🇸💗🕊✌🕊✌ Peace, freedom, and victory for Ukraine!


Brilliant, concise, and absolutely spot on! You are blessed and a blessing, Henry Keen.


Ukraine´s victory is essential for the west to remain our unity and democratic values, and Ukraine wants to join that unity, and that is their right to do so..

We don´t tell Ukraine on what to do while Russia forces Ukraine on what they should do.
All we tell Ukraine if they want to join the EU then to align their laws and regulatory policies towards the EU standards.

Once Ukraine joins the EU, don´t take this membership lightly because it will change Europe with another country joining the block, so its also for us a bit new again to accept new EU members.

But i´m sure after a few years later that Ukraine has rebuild most of its infrastructure and EU-NATO status so therefore security guaranteed..


I understand the original thoughts behind the west not wanting to charge in last year to kick putin out of Ukraine, but as a serving member of the British military I am involved in transport and cargo going to Poland etc for Ukraine. But we have always said that these weapons would have been more effective in the hands of the country's military that's sending it ?. With the patriot system hitting a kinzal missile it's obvious that our old tech is more than capable of stopping the rashists so it's about time the world stood tall and told putin to get out or else!!


BRAVO Henry Keen 🎉
WE CARE 🇬🇧❤️💙💛🇺🇦🔱


A victory for Ukraine will also mean a victory for russia as well. In an odd way UAF is fighting for the freedom in russia . . . Or whatever it becomes after it is defeated. It will be hard to go through but will give them a second chance at 1991. This time the development will be watched closely.


I'm in the comfort of Australia, but if Ukraine falls it'll be awful obviously, but it'll signal China to go ahead with Taiwan. I've been watching all the main channels since the war began. My thoughts are with The brave AFU daily. In a real sense, the entire free world owes the soldiers in the field, a lot. Russia must lose.


only 2 points to critisize is the thought that helping Ukraine will prevent a dictator somewhere to do evil things. it simply wont and you give the reason yourself. dictators dont stop. 2nd point is, this format is way too short for my Henry Keen cravings. The world needs way more Henry Keen content.


Don't give the trolls light, let them go back to their skeevy caves.


We all need to ask the world "How do you reconstruct a destroyed country"? For the most part, a lot of the Ukraine was still in the Empire of what was discarded by the old Soviet Union. It was a musuem, beautiful country, modern homes, without some of the utillities we take for granite. When Russia is forced to withdraw, where do we start? Isn't it time for the West to bring this fractured nation into the 21st. century? We must start with providing the examples and letting the people of Ukraine choose their paths to modernization.


how is the reconstruction of Ukraine going?


Q : How many % Ukrainians ( but root from Russia ) in Donbass support Ukraine ???
