A weapon holding back Godfrey was most badass thing I witnessed
Every elden ring boss gets more powerful by entering their hidden power but godric was like "let me make myself handicap"
malenia phase 2 transition has to be the best. she literally says “wait” when you think you finally won, and then the most menacing music known to man starts playing
Tarnished must have some crazy honor to not keep attacking
Hear me out...they should make a game where if your health bar reaches a certain point, you go into your second phase 👀
In my opinion, I think that Maliketh has the coolest phase 2 transition. The clothes burning off to reveal the black and gold armor, the way he pulls his massive sword out from the talisman on his hand, and the sword itself; with the black and red aura. Just awesome. I've been playing Elden Ring every day since it released, I've logged hindreds of hours with multiple separate characters/builds, and there's only two boss cut scenes I never skip and they are Maliketh and Placidusax.
Greatest game of all time 10/10boss 10/10story 10/10cutscenes
This made me realize that pretty much every boss transition in Elden ring is the same: boss falls over, gets a new weapon, power up or outside help. Rinse and repeat
"O Death... become my blade once more"
I swear, seeing for the first time Godrick screaming at the sky "BARE WITNESS" REALLY gave me goosebumps
I still can't defeat Radahn, but his second phase is my favourite (and I hate it at the same time) My mouth dropped open when I saw it for the first time.The design of Miquella wrapping his arms around him in an embrace and at the same time his hair works as a cape for Radahn. Excuse me? Simply epic and beautiful. Design 10/10
Elden ring logic that if the boss have a scene that show them fall to the knee it mean's there's gonna have phase 2
Something I love about the Godrick fight is that he's a whole battle on his own with the phase transition, while most of the other bosses need a whole separate model for their phase 2, even if they don't look much different.
Meanwhile the big ah sunflower: guess whos back, back again
After dying twice
Then there’s the guy who rips off his own head
Godfrey making this mrbeast aaah pose and screaming WARRIOR is fcking hilarious to me
Messmers phase 2 was so unexpected when i first fought him and its still my favorite even after beating the dlc
When you think you have them cornered, they come back, stronger than ever.
Listen, young Radahn had that dawg in him.
Him just standing, just being there, existing and overshadowing you with his sheer height, his blades, the sun behind him.
I’ve never felt THAT intimidated until then. Godfrey makes hairs grow on my chest. Maliketh is badass. Messmer/Malenia is freaky and cool. But Radahn, that man had me reconsidering my life choices.