How To Make a Fake Multiplayer Game: Names & Leaderboards

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In this part #2, names and leaderboards. A fake multiplayer game wouldn't be convincing if you couldn't see the names of the fake players and a leaderboard showing you how good you are for winning against the totally real players !

That's it for this tutorial, you have everything you need to make a good fake multiplayer game :)


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0:00 Intro
0:10 Random Player Names
5:30 Display Names
8:15 Player Choose Name
13:10 Leaderboards
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Nice. IComparable is something I always forget about.
A few points, the UI ordering, you can put the Vertical Layout Group component on the parent and it'll automatically space them out.
The truncating of decimal places has a C# function for that. eg


I come here for a devlog, and I stay here for the tutorials


Could you create a video tutorial demonstrating how to develop a system where when you click a button, it triggers a display of text indicating the strength of the click, similar to what is seen in idle clicker games?


Thanks Max. I really enjoyed making this one and as usual I'm trying to add different things to make it fun. What a great base for making something really cool. I really enjoy watching and learning from your tutorials. :)
