Best Dressed! How to wear an Aviator Harness - put it on and remove it.

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There has been a lot of interest in my harness, so I have out together a video showing how to put it on and take it off, along with some of the tips that my pet hooman learned along the way. As you can tell I'm not at all bothered by the harness - I know that I get to go outside soon!

When my hooman first put the harness on me, she had trouble getting it off - it got caught on my crest and I wasn't having any of that! She actually wondered if she would need to resort to a pair of scissors to remove it - but we figured it out. I hated having the harness pulled off, until she learned to tuck my feathers under the harness before pulling it back over my head. No more caught helmet and no more messed up feathers!

I usually wear an Aviator Harness (from Parrot University). They are available from a variety of locations, including online. I got mine from my favourite toy store Parrot Trends (they ship to Canada/US).

Any time I start to beak at the harness, my pet hooman distracts me, just as you would distract a young child. She learned that if she puts it on so the leash drapes off of my back I am less likely to try to beak it - out of sight, out of mind.

If you have any questions about the harness, feel free to join in the conversation below!

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"Pet human, " 🥰🥰. You're a trooper Max allowing the harness around your body💕💕.


I think his harness makes him look like a boss!!! What a good boy he is! Have a great day flockers💜💜💜


Good for you, Max, being careful to wear your harness so your pet hooman stays safe!! And thank you so much for taking us along on your wonderful adventures!


That's wonderful how cooperative our boy is. Thank you for the demo.


Awww thank you soo much you're so kind I love you ❤💛💚💙💜


Those harnesses are tricky when you first start to use them, cos you have to figure out which hole (as it were) fits which bit. If you’ve ever fitted a horse’s head harness, you’ll know what I mean!

May I ask, please, how long did it take you to get Max used to getting it fitted at first? He obviously didn’t wear one before he came to you, so it was something entirely alien to him. Max is such a good boy and you’re such a good mum when he trusted you with that harness at first. X

Ps: Heads up, the link to Teespring not working from your description on this video. Don’t know if it’s working on any of the others as I haven’t tried them.
