The Observer

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He sees you. Right now, he can see. He will see you tomorrow, he will see you next week. You will stop feeling his eyes on you when you pass to the permanent sleep.


I never gave it much thought until now, but I like how the player-base has created a unique ecosystem in TF2, that being the “docile classes, ” consisting of Hoovies, Spy Crabs, and the rare Observers


When I first saw the thumbnail I thought that the revolver had a FUCK TON of recoil


"he's just standing there, menacingly"


Cloak and daggers spy who just spend their time taking the piss out of people is honestly the best.


I’ve seen one of these guy’s when I was playing in bad water, I was playing as demo knight and killed a scout and I just saw one of these “The Observer” behind me, and I just stared at it then it disappeared before goddam stalking me the entire game, creepiest experience I’ve had in badwater


“I am The Watcher. My soul purpose is to observe. I can not, and will not interfere.”


The legend says that any man that has been chosen by those creatures are condened to see them over again and again

Oh nvm, the sentry f-cking killed it


this is by far my fav type of friendlies. You'll just wont expect them


The observer spys and meat soldiers are said to be mortal enemies. Their battle is one as old as time. No one truly knows what either sides goals are. The only constant to these two sides is that the observers are calm and calculated, observing whilst giving off an unsettling aura to those who see them. The meat soldiers however are wiley and unpredictable giving off an aura of confusion to most who see them.

For the most part both sides are passive in battle, choosing to go about their business with the observers watching, going places where most would not think to look whilst the meat soldiers set up somewhere where they are most likely to be seen where they spray a picture of the ham shank before beating themselves over the head repeatedly with a ham shank, sometimes uttering the phrase "beat mah meat" or simply making a cacophony of squelching sounds. It should be note the meat soldiers although are newly documented compared to the observers they are far more documented due to their extroverted and complicated behaviour and personalities.

However on the topic of if ever should a meat soldier and observer come into contact with one another on the battle field they will usually slowly approach one another. Once close they start staring in silence unmovingly. We are still unsure what it is they are doing though we theorise it is to square each other up. After a few minutes of staring 1 of 2 outcomes can occour. 1: The observer will simply go invisible once more and leave whilst the meat soldier will crouch and slowly walk away, always keeping its eyes in the direction of the observer at all times somehow even when it is invisble. Or 2: both will draw their melees. It should be noted this is the only time an observer has been recorded to act out of character and become aggressive. Once melees are drawn they will fight one another until a victor is decided. If an observer is to win it will simply re equip its sapper and cloak away. If a meat soldier is to win it will immediately beat itself over the head whlist saying its usual phrase *beat mah meat* before crouching and walking back to its spray and continue its wailing.

Addendum: It should be noted that meat soldiers have been recorded doing the following:

•On rare occasions duos of meat soldiers have been seen together wearing rings on their ring fingers prehaps signifying that they are mates and beating each other with their ham shanks affectionately. We speculate that lone meat soldiers when wailing and beating their head are actually producing some sort of mating call though this is purely just a theory and there is plenty of evidence that may disprove this.

•Meat soldiers on occasion have been recorded crudely imitating observers by standing in a corner and holding a conch shell as if mimicking how an observer holds a sapper. It has been noted that in a singular situation a meat soldier couple was documented surrounding a lone demoman when he entered the intelligence room of a 2fort server and simply started staring at him much like the observers would. However after a few minutes they drew their ham shanks and killed him via multiple concussive blows to the head and body before simultaneously wailing and beating themselves over the head multiple times.

•If you see a meat soldier raising its hand to high five you would be wise not to take it as there is a roughly 50/50 chance of it being a deadly trap that will trigger a beggars bazooka blast or a just a simple high five. On occasions where it is not a trap the meat soldiers will nod their head in approval and thank the individual. On a few occasions there have also been times where a duo of meat soldiers will do this in secluded areas such as 2fort sewers where one will pose as a trap and the other won't and wait for passers by as if offering for them to test their luck. We theorise that this is a crude and very brutal form of game to them as they seem to rather enjoy doing it over and over.


"Hes just standing there; *menacingly"*


The watchers are the scariest friendlies


This is a creepypasta in the making
Especially at 0:02 and 0:12


I was in an upward match with four of these guys: the cultist, the watcher, the observer and the spectator


I love how at the end it looks like the demoknight destroys the mini sentry of his team


"Don´t worry guys, Valve removed him in the last *or maybe not."*


Good ending: Just a TF2 event
Bad ending: ARG clip
Secret ending: *He killed the Observer and taunted on him.* 😳


Oh so this is the leak for the latest scp. Looks interesting.


I saw a group of 3 of them at once while playing soldier on 2fort. They all cloaked at once when i turned to them, and every now and then there was at least one watching me from a distance


Bomer you're going to bring this meme back to life
