Law of Attraction Success Story of Conor Mcgregor

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Law of Attraction Success Story of Conor Mcgregor

A lot of people know Conor McGregor as the richest MMA fighter today, even surpassing GSP and Anderson Silva. He's an insanely dangerous fighter who made fights with other dangerous fighters look easy.

This is Witty Billy. If you like videos like this, make sure to subscribe!


What not a lot of people know is that he started MMA as a hobby when he was 12. Part of the reason why he started so early is because he was bullied as a young kid. He was small and not that strong. He even revealed that he kept a dumbbell in his backpack for self-defense. Can you imagine "The Notorius" Conor Mcgregor keeping a dumbbell in his backpack to protect himself from bullies? So for starters, he wasn't rich and he wasn't strong to begin with.

His law of attraction success story started many years later when his sister, Erin, introduced him to the book The Secret. Just like how some of us are introduced to the law of attraction. By this time, he has already spent many years doing MMA, and he has even worked as a plumber. But he went on to visualize the future he wants, he kept on believing in it even in times of extreme hardships. Having a very supportive partner by his side also helped him push through.

When he was becoming really good in mixed martial arts and already started fighting pro fights, he said things like "I am the future!" and "without a doubt, you will see me in the UFC." And he eventually did fight in the UFC and even exponentially increased the audience in the game. He made fights with big names like Aldo, Porier, and Holloway look easier than expected. He's now the richest MMA fighter in UFC. He even went inside the boxing world to face Floyd Mayweather Jr. He did in a few years a lot of UFC fighters don't even expect achieving in their lifetime.

Here are 5 quotes you can take from Conor McGregor:
1. Losers focus on winners. Winners focus on winning.
-The difference between winners and losers is their focus. Anthony Robbins said "Where focus goes, energy flows." What benefit will you get from focusing on the lives of other people? While it's important to study the greats, you should focus more on how you yourself can do it too.

2. There is no talent here, this is hardwork. This is an obsession.
-The law of attraction will not work unless you work too. Conor McGregor believes that talent only comes through hardwork. If you put in the hardwork, while applying the law of attraction in your life, you will get what you want. Be obsessed about your goal. Be all about it. Do whatever you can to achieve it.

3. At the end of the day, you gotta feel some way. So why not feel unbeatable? Why not feel untouchable? Why not feel like the best to ever do it?
-McGregor strongly believes in the power of expectations. Aside from "The Notorious" his other nickname is "Mystic Mac" because of his ability to predict how some of his fights are going to turn out; like in which round is he going to knock out an opponent. The reason why his predictions become real is because he believes in them so deep, and works hard for it like crazy, that it simply just has to come true.

This is Witty Billy. Thanks for watching and please subscribe!

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