Why are Gymnasts so FREAKY?

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All I could hear was “autistic gymnasts” the entire time😂


Hard to believe that a video could give me even MORE respect for these guys, but here we are. Good work, dude.


As someone who trains both with free weights and does calisthenics, this video greatly pleases me.


Typical gymnast is also shorter than your average athlete, meaning their smaller frames fill out with muscle easier.


Definitely not into the just do gymnastics on the rings/ring push and pulls to get massive biceps but damn I would be lying if the sport of gymnastics don't make you a badass. GSP incorporated it in his MMA career, the same as to Eastern European athletes in supplementing for their respective combat sports.


NH, I don't know if you have seen, but the Nippard vs Bugenhagen saga is pretty interesting. Would love your thoughts.


There is definitely a survivor bias. The ones we see competing tend to be very serious about the sport. And the ones that didn't make it were already blood-sacrificed on the pommel horse.


Are strongman lifts like sandbags and atlas stones good for developing the biceps?


Short answer Isometric and time under tension.


When is the sun and steel part two coming. Plz make video about Dune part 2


Well the ones you typically see at the college, national, olympic, etc. level are certainly freaky. But as a gymnastics coach, for every 1 freaky gymnast you have 100 that should probably try something else like music😂


I have a somewhat lengthy question for those experienced with workout planning. Have no where else to ask this, so I'm giving it a try here.

My goal is to build my upper body while slimming down my legs.

Some background: I'm 5'7" (175cm), weigh 165lbs (75kg), and mainly do calisthenics. My upper body is lean, but I'd like it bigger, and I regularly do pull-ups.

However, my legs are on the larger side, particularly my thighs and hips, which doesn't match the rest of my physique. Probably because of my Office job.

I understand achieving bulk and leanness simultaneously might be challenging due to the need for opposite calorie strategies. I'm wondering whether focusing on cardio could help slim my thighs or if I should adjust my strength training.

The plan might be to first lose body fat, especially from the legs, and then bulk up the upper body. But, I'm concerned about gaining fat back in the same areas.

I'm stuck on planning the right approach to get a more V-shaped body, with slimmer thighs and a larger upper body. My diet is healthy and balanced, so I believe it's more about how I manage my workouts and calories.

If anyone has insights or advice on workout routines to achieve this, I'd greatly appreciate it.



Damn you just cant do anything but watch in awe of the physiqe and preformance. Btw NH when is the jungian arc of the educated barbarian arrives?


Because they train at a very young age and are very small which is why they have a pretty good physique and perform well


Next: Why do boxers have such huge lats?


If you look at professional athletes you realize it has mostly to do with genetics. Like top tier swimmers...they do not have those broad shoulders because the are world-class swimmers. They are world-class swimmers because they have those broad shoulders. :D
I have been training in a gym with gymnast pros and even though many exercises did something for me hypertrophy-wise, I'd never come close to to what some of those dudes looked like. That being said when looking at their pictures before they even started the sport they already looked like athletes. :D
In the end building muscle isn't that complicated and it really doesnt matter which approach you take...calisthenics, weight training...it all can build muscle. As older dude I clearly prefer lifting weights besides pullups and dips. Simply because it is way safer not to injure yourself imho. And at a certain age the main goal becomes staying injury-free, so you can keep training and maintain that muscle mass.


Not everyone makes it to this level of the guys in these video's. In fact most never will. There physiques yes are stimulated by the training and events. Don't be fooled into thinking the average person can look like this. They also have superior genetics not only for muscle growth, but for performance. No different than elite strongman, powerelifters, bodybuilders. The best are born first, then made by hard work. So they would honestly be more muscular than the average even if they didn't do gymnastics. They could workout at planet fitness and look better than most of the population.


I don't dislike pull-ups or rings, it's just harder to do at 189cm and 115kg 🥲


There was this esoteric scammer that was big for a while on youtube... forgot his name but he had Alphadestiny fooled for a while. Upper back CEO before we got hersovyac. Anyways although he commited online unaliving by using fake clips of him lifting heavy weights he did brute force a full body planche on video once which was quite a feat. So yeah you can technically become strong enough to brute yourself into high level calisthenics but it's unlikely. Elite Gymnasts are bred and grown.


Can you do sprinters next...if you haven't already.
