Python Object Oriented Programming Class & Objects #15

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In this Python3 video tutorial we are going to start Python Object Oriented Programming, and in the first video
we want to talk about Class & Objects In Python OOP (Object Oriented Programming)
Python Object Oriented Programming Class & Objects

What Is Python Object Oriented Programming (OOP) ?

As you know Python is an object-oriented programming language. What it means that we can solve a problem in Python language by creating objects in our programs.
In this video, we are going to discuss some OOPs concepts such as Classes, Objects along with the main principles of object oriented programming such as
inheritance, polymorphism, abstraction, encapsulation

What Are Objects In Real World ?

Objects are something that we can sense, feel and manipulate
You can look around you now and see many examples of real-world objects: your dog, your cat, or human being These real-world objects share two characteristics: they all have attributes and they all have behaviors. For example, dogs have attributes(name, color, breed, hungry) and dogs have behavior (barking, fetching, and slobbering).

What Are Objects In Software Development ?

The definition of an object in software development is not so very different. In software development Objects
are not typically something's that you can pick up, sense, or feel, but they are models of something's that can do certain things and have certain things done to them.
Formally, an object is a collection of data and associated behaviors.

What Is Class ?

A class is a blueprint for the objects. also a class is a way of organizing information about a type of data so a programmer can reuse elements when making multiple instances of that data type for example,
if a programmer wanted to make three instances of Car, maybe a BMW, a Ferrari, and a Ford instance.
The Car class would allow the programmer to store similar information that is unique to each car (they are different models, and maybe different colors, etc.) and associate the appropriate information with each car.

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