Quanto tempo demora pra você aprender inglês? | How long does it take to learn English?

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Everybody wants to know how long it takes to learn English, so, here I am to give you my opinion about it and help you respect your own time.

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#englishwithpatricia #dicasdeingles #learnenglish #englishtips #aprenderingles #speakenglish #englishlistening
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saudades da melhor professora do youtube, espero que esteja tudo bem com você Patricia estou ansioso para assistir novos vídeos seus.


It is just the truth!
Thanks, Patricia!
We're not machines and we don't need and can't to know everything all the time, at the record time.
It is how I see the life, actually.


Coincidentally, I was thinking about it yesterday and it reminded me of a video you made with your brother in which he says fluency is understanding the context even though you don't know all the words and it is exactly how this all thing happen in our first language. As a Brazilian I am going to use Portuguese as an example: I don't know all the Portuguese words obviously, there are verbs that I conjugate wrong, I am always learning new words and sometimes I remember expressions I wasn't even aware I had learnt... So do I in English, that is just how I am figuring out each day what fluency means


I'm studying English since almost 7months ago but a lot every single day it worth, I'm trying improve faster and I'm going well.
Several times I thought to give up because when I started was so hard to understand anything today it changed quite the language attract me and I'm not frustrated. I'm looking a way to improve quickly for now I'm 15 year old and I'm trying talk to find out a nice job in a foreign company but I study German too what help a lot. I wish you luck. Thanks by the tips


Olá Patrícia. É, realmente isso é verdade, no início do ano encontrei uma gibi da turma da Mônica em inglês ( Mônica's gang) que eu havia comprado há uns 5 anos atrás. Ao tentar ler digamos que não entendi quase nada. Desde então comecei a praticar listening com legenda praticamente todos os dias e esses dias peguei o mesmo gibi e ao abrir e começar a ler, digamos q entendi uns 70 a 80% das historinhas. Parece bobo mas fiquei muito feliz que progredi sem perceber que eu estava bem melhor do q no início do ano. Parabéns pelo seu canal assisto sempre aos seus vídeos.


It took me 7 years and counting. I used to blame myself for not really sitting with a textbook all these years. I thought I wasn't studying properly but I was wrong. I was actually studying every single day. Listening to music, watching videos (even though I would barely understand, I kept watching them), watching movies with subtitles and even reading captions and watching stories on Instagram!! All of this helped me a lot to keep me in contact with the language. I remember the moment I realized my own progress. I was watching a video on Youtube and in the middle of it, I was like "this video is all in english and only now I'm realizing that". I still have a lot of things to learn though and that's ok. We will never stop learning.


Hey there! Long time no see! God, my English is very rusty, I need to brush up. Btw, you are very beautiful :)


That's what I'm talking about...


i like whaching beautiful girls and learn englis at the same time. sorry for my sicerity
