The Complete Story of BEN DROWNED (2009-2020)

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Out of all of the creepypastas that I've covered on my channel, none have really captured me like BEN DROWNED. This is one of the original great gaming creepypastas, and one I go back to from time to time. BEN DROWNED was a pioneer in online story telling and tells one of the most captivating internet horror stories. This is the Dark Legacy of BEN DROWNED.

Thank you to Alex Hall for creating this masterpiece.

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Song of Unhealing - LOZ Majora's Mask
Song of Healing - LOZ Majora's Mask
Last Day - LOZ Majora's Mask
Portal Sountrack - Self Esteem Fund
Silent Hill 2 - Tears of
Silent Hill 2 - Heaven's Night
Myuu - On the Chain
Myuu - Fenweh
Alex Hall - Ben's Theme
Kevin McLeod - Dark World
CO.AG Music - Nobody's Home
CO.AG Music - A Room with no View

Night Raptor - Revelation (Ft. STARFORCE)

#bendrowned #BENARG #creepypasta
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Normal people: It's just a Link statue.
2010's kids: Oh no.


This creepypasta was creepy af back in the day, and it still is. I saw the original gameplay video as a kid and it creeped me tf out.


With how terrifyingly nightmare inducing that Link Elegy statue is I'm not surprised someone came up with a spooky story surrounding it. I'm just grateful it's so well written and thought out.


Ben Drowned really did change the internet horror scene
Sure some things might be cliche by today's standards but it was such an amazing ride


Ben Drowned is probably one of the best gaming creepypastas ever, if not just creepypastas overall. Much more interesting and enjoyable than the "hyper realistic bloody eyes" style pastas, the rom hack footage being insanely convincing (and worthy of praise for that effort alone), and the attachment to a larger ARG but still standing great on its own.

As a kid, I loved Ben Drowned for the creepy Zelda gameplay and music, and as an adult I discovered the Moon Children and loved the more complex mystery and scraping through old forum posts for information. Great how the pasta grows with you like that.


I'll be honest, at first the ARG angle felt like it was waning somewhat and going off focus, but the end was what tied it all together and arguably made the story better/creepier than the original, considering instead of it being a ghost, it turns out to be peoples' consciousnesses who were converted to AI to live in a virtual reality paradise that went horribly wrong.


I am a grown man. I discovered the creepypasta around 2011/2012 I think (I was around 10 at the time) and it still scares the hell out of me for some reason lmao to the point I had to lower the volume or just not look at the screen at some point. When Majora's mask 3DS came out, I was SCARED because of the creepypasta and still kinda is, I played the game but honestly probably wouldn't touch it again for a long time.

Yeah, an old creepypasta about a child's game can terrify a big boy and I feel so weak but also it's part of my childhood


The whole “the truth” part was never solved is SO ANNOYING like bruv and the fact we can’t even do it anymore is just 😭


It’s funny thinking how all of these creepypastas used to scare me as a kid but now most of the ones that kept me up are laughably bad. I will say though, that Link statue is still really creepy


I had a blast watching this, Ben Drowned has always been one of my favorite Creepypastas and this is also my first time seeing the non-video side of things in full detail. Getting some explanation for the events of the 2020 continuation was really nice, since I was honestly completely lost with nothing but the videos to go off of.


My favorite Ben Drowned style story online has to be NES Godzilla. I haven't read it in a couple years, but it went from genuinely disturbing and creepy to an epic fantasy in an organic way. Loved it


While I'm personally not a very big fan of the last few videos and the ending, this is still one of my favorite ARGs. There was just something about witnessing the whole Awakening arc in real time that was really amazing and I'm glad to have been there for most of it. Really hoping Alex Hall's next project manages to be as good.


Ben Drowned is simply what a creepypasta is supposed to be. Creepy, original, gives a dark twist to something that was already nostalgic and known, and withstands the test of time while still being scary.


Hi there, I was an active player for the ARG during the third arc, and wanted to pop in to shed some light on it.

So, the haunted hotel was marred by so many issues, mostly in regards to conveyance, we had no clue what was required and what wasn't, we didn't know how to handle things, and especially after we lost the original 3 items we brought, it just wasn't worth it. Once the choice came up to either work with MM or stay with hotel things, it was obvious. At least with MM we had some clue about how to do things.

Then there was the controversy near the end. Unsure if it's touched on in the video but there was a major creep that was on the mod team for the discord server, and despite BEGGING Alex to at least address the situation after the creep got removed, he didn't, and once he closed the server he revealed he barely even managed the discord, and that it was someone else. While Alex is great at storytelling, he's not nearly as good at being direct or truthful. And of course a year later he tried to push a bunch if crypto crap too.


The lore behind this creepypasta is just fascinating


I remember being 8 when first finding this series and thinking this was the scariest creepy pasta story. It was so bad I could never think about playing either of the n64 Zelda games due to me thinking the story was real. It’s almost comforting in a way that I was able to see closure to this horror mystery a decade later.


Someone HAS to create a real video game about this story, there can be multiple endings depending on whether you escape, you follow the story as it turned out or do other actions that lead to different outcomes. This story seems ripe for a game


That Creepypasta was so scary to me back in the day where those types of stories were terrifying. I remember a few years ago finally getting into the Zelda games and playing Majora's Mask on my 3ds, I was easily creeped out when I saw the creepy Link statue in the game.


The entire ARG feels... convoluted to say the least. I applaud this video for compiling everything, but I just feel lukewarm towards the actual ARG.


The Awakening arc was so good, managed to be creepy like the old chapters too
