My favourite part was when he said “It’s Hera time!” And Hera’d all over the place
This would be even better with tatars with free thumb ring and long lasting sheep.
Just started watching the video and Mbl already catching strays
Just did this last night with Tatars against Persians and it worked out great! Opponent expectedly went scouts and towers and had to give up at 6 CA! I had a great map for it too though
Hot take: this strat is even better with Tatars, since they get free TR and Huns bonus is only 10% now
As someone who’s come back to aoe 2 after a long time away thought let’s watch some huns gameplay…. But seriously wtf did I just watch 😂 Jesus my brain is fried… 16 minuets I would probably still be in first age 😂😂😂😂
Can you do more of this? I love watching the CA play.
If MBL is mid teir then I'm below 0 elo.
hera could give wallstreet a coaching in being greedy 11 sick plays man ❤
I used to play Huns FC into CA all that time. Only way I knew how to play as a noob 11
i tried this and tbh i was decimated by the AI with skirmishers and pikes lol, it probably didnt help it took 20 minutes to get to castle and by the time i had enough CA they were in castle age too and i couldnt find any damage lol owned
I invented a MePudding strat for Aztecs. 13:35 FC with double barrack Eagles.
Just bragging. 😂
Another question, why do people play the Huns in 2023 when the Magyars exist? Magyars have FU Paladin and Heavy CA with + 1 range.
Me, who just started playing AoE2DE with Huns and is now at ~650 Elo after ~45 games: "Hmm, let's watch some pro Hun gameplay. Maybe I can learn something."
Me: Doesn't learn a thing.
Is this even the same game? *shocked pikachu face*
This has as much to do with youpudding as FC knights, maybe less
Why do the huns lack Ring Archer armour?
Why constantly click on the pop to do the same jobs they are already doing? Is it cause they work faster? Genuinely asking 👀
I have a dumb question…. Do your opponents ever cheat and watch your stream while facing you?